Friday, June 20, 2008

Are we reproducing the wrong thing?

Lately I have been considering the high cost of following Jesus.

giving up my life
giving up my plans
giving up my stubborn will
giving up my resources
giving up my sin
total surrender
commitment to holiness
commitment to the Great Commission
I must make disciples personally
living each moment for Him
being led by His Holy Spirit
going wherever He leads me
doing whatever He desires of me
being whatever He demands of me
refusing to be silent
being silent
declaring his redemptive glory
investing my life in the homeless
investing my life in the widows and orphans
investing my life in the disabled
caring about and feeding the poor
being incarnational for Jesus

My list is deficient, being a Christ follower is truly breathing the dust of Jesus as I walk in His footsteps down the dusty trails of life.

Isn't the AMERICAN CHURCH in a broad brush stroke producing the wrong thing. Are we breeding and attracting people to a weakened commitment. Haven't we set up a vehicle that enables them to be less than the expectations of Christ? Has following Christ in America become something less than being His disciple? Are we calling people to something that is much less than what Jesus calls us to?


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