Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Will We Sit Back And Watch This Happen?

Staggering estimates! More reasons for Christians to make disciples who make disciples.

UK - will be majority Muslim by the year 2040.
France - will be majorityMuslim by the year 2030.
USA - will be mostly non-Christian by the year 2035.
World - Islam will be the dominant religion by 2050.

If you want to make a difference and fight against these estimates, try making one disciple who makes one other disciple this year. And then, next year do the same thing again, and then do it again and again. We will reach our world for Christ if every believer made one disciple every year who made another disciple who made another disciple every year.

We would not have exponential growth -we would have geometric progression growth which is unlimited.


At April 05, 2006 9:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, for those of us who need more instruction, why not write a post about the HOW of this?

I know, I know. "Just start doing it and God will make the way." But, just start doing what?

At April 05, 2006 10:52 AM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

Pray for God to send you one person who needs Jesus. CAUTION: If you pray it they will come to you. Lead that person to Jesus. Then teach them that he needs to pray for someone to lead to Jesus -the sooner the better. As you continue meeting with this person (weekly is better) ask God to show you what this person needs. Stay away from doctrinal stuff. Teach the stuff Jesus taught. Teach them to have a daily quiet time, to love and serve Jesus, to love people the way Jesus loved people. Take them to the Beatitudes and show them the miracles, teach them to listen to the Holy Spirit's leading.

It is easier than you think. Weekly ask the new believer what he has learned in his devotions this week. Then talk about that. AVOID: Making the disciple someone who thinks going to church is service to God. Making disciples who reproduce lasting fruit is what a Christ follower looks like.

I know of two new believers in Elkhart, In who are fired up for Jesus -so fired up the Holy Spirit was leading them. Then the wife got into a Bible study with believers and they couldn't handle her being led by the Spirit. So they told her she need sound doctrine. They told her she needed to face the fact that she will not be like that forever.

Fortunately, this young couple in Christ recognized what was happenening and refused to be reprogrammed by those in the Church.

They told me a few weeks ago, I will not let anyone take away from me my growing relationship with Jesus and my ability to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit leading me.

This couple made the Church nervous because what this couple has is real and exciting and vibrant. \

Imagine that! You were right. I should have saved time and just agreed with you. Just do it. Teach them to walk with Jesus. His Holy Spirit will lead you if you will listen. REMEMBER: No one can mess it up any more than the Church has messed it up at times.

At April 05, 2006 3:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am going to do this, and here it is in cyberspace so everyone can keep me accountable to it.

I add it to my prayer list -- now!

See what you do to me? I'm actually excited -- frightened, too, but excited.

Now pray I will recognize the person and respond appropriately.

At April 05, 2006 3:39 PM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

We'll both ask God to help us do this.

Actually I have enough Jesus in me to share with others. Not for the purpose of making the church larger, foir the purpose of making heaven larger, if you get what I mean.


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