Wednesday, August 08, 2007

OUTreach is dying while INreach is like a breath of fresh air.

I think we have it backwards. OUTreach versus INreach

As believers we might want to reconsider the term "OUTreach" and what it actually says. OUTreach appears to be reaching out from somewhere for the specified purpose of grabbing something or someone to bring them/that into where you are.

Perhaps a better term to consider is "INreach". It implies that we live "In reach" of people who need the Lord. Instead of doing an OUTreach to bring people into where we are. Why not release people to live INreach of those who need the Lord. When people are INreach of others while living incarnational Christ following lives many people will be reached. INreach involves sacrifice of time and resources to gain conversations, relationship, real life encounters with people. Living INreach is an intentional, organic, free flowing, natural way to reach people for Christ.

OUTreach is something planned by man. It is specifically a go through the motions event that is governed to produce a certain goal of bringing people in. We do OUTreaches because few believers get outside of themselves to do something that helps further the mission of the organization.

INreach is something spontaneously led by the Spirit of God where believers are taught and set free to be used by God as we come INreach of those the divine appointments. We live our lives striving to live INreach of some Spirit led need to connect with. INreach involves personal sacrifice, something those doing outreaches lack.

God puts us INreach of those who need our love, our relationships and mostly Jesus and His mercy and grace. When people see Jesus in us, they long to meet the Jesus in us.

Mike forgive me for making up a new word: "INreach"


At August 08, 2007 3:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

making up for lost time? Or bored? Four posts in one day? C'mon, who can keep up with that? :)

At August 08, 2007 8:13 PM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

You can keep up. Yeah, I had this incredible boost of energy today. I have my I.V. feeding at 12,6,12,6 so by 3:30 p.m. I was worn out.

But, I am getting pretty good at this I.V. stuff so if you every need help I'm good to go.

This is pretty cool!

At August 08, 2007 8:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I need someone to stick me, you are first on the list, my bud.

I don't think your new word works. Not because the concept is faulty, but because of the way the human brain works.

We see outreach and inreach and since "out" and "in" are opposites, we think:

Outreach: Reaching out to others.

Inreach: Reaching inward to self. (Which I am sure you don't want to encourage.)

But I do like your concept. Maybe I can make up a better word...?

At August 09, 2007 12:22 AM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

People are inREACH of us and we do not reach them.

You are right, it is not OUTreach it is inREACH!

Thanks for your help in this matter.

OutREACH stinks!
InREACH reaches!

Oh wise one-what think ye now?

At August 09, 2007 12:27 AM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

By the way I'm in the sticking mood for sure. Please let me, please! I should have been a nurse or a doctor, I love this stuff. Give me a needle and I'm sure to have a good time.

At August 09, 2007 12:28 AM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

Mike, if you come up with a better word I'm all ears, I think!


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