Monday, August 20, 2007

Willow Leadership Summit quotes

Brandon Bruce attended the Willow Leadership Summit and took these quotes with him:

Some of the speakers were John Ortberg, former president Jimmy Carter, former secretary of state Colin Powell, Marcus Buckingham, Michael Porter (Harvard strategy professor), and Carly Fiorina (former CEO of HP). Here's a few notes I took away from the Leadership Summit...

>Unless a vision is owned deeply by large numbers of people it will not happen. -Bill Hybels

>Vision formed quickly and independently handicaps that vision from being deeply owned. -Bill Hybels

>Leadership is about seeing and unlocking potential in others. -Carly Fiorina

>Build around your strengths and manage around your weaknesses. -Marcus Buckingham

>Most organizations do too many things. What are the few things we do well? -Michael Porter

>We can't be all things to all people. -Michael Porter

>The single best way to motivate those around me is to stay motivated myself. -Bill Hybels

>A leaders's role is to identify and reduce any demotivating factors in the job of their employees. -Bill Hybels

>There's nothing like the local church when the local church is working right. -Bill Hybels

ThePlanter: Why are or are not these quotes good for the church?


At August 20, 2007 3:16 PM, Blogger Kirk Kimble said...

There is a mixed bag to choose from, but the focus seems to be on the man as leader of an organization, versus the Spirit as leader of individuals making up a Body.

At August 21, 2007 12:30 PM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

Kirk you are quite an observant one.

Where is God in all of this?

At August 22, 2007 8:30 AM, Blogger gltnforpnshmnt said...

Yes my thoughts exactly. Did anybody mention Jesus?

Although, to be fair, was church leadership the point of the conference? I assume so, but it also could have been general leadership.

I saw another comment where you said you didn't want to hear about my church, pastor, and friends when I answered who Jesus is to me. But let me share this bit that was preached from the pulpit (actually just the microphone) on Sunday that brought joy to my heart. This is pretty close to a direct quote, but I can't say that I'm getting it word for word.

I want to take a strong stand here that we believe that there aren't any rules to believing in Jesus, to being a part of this fellowship, to being a part of our body/group. We believe that it is God's Spirit that works in you to act according to His will. We believe that the Spirit is very good at cleaning people up and we don't need to do it for him. Our goal is to press into Christ, fellowship with him, study his Word, spend time in prayer and worship, and allow him to work in our lives and our life together how he wants to.

Admittedly, we don't have a really confrontational group of people, but that's ok, God is working among us. As I write this, the more I realize that I am compelled to mention these people in my life because it is amazing to see how God is working. You asked who Jesus is to me, and I could answer for days and hours, and you know much of my story. But right now, Jesus is one who is changing the lives of 20-somethings in Indianapolis without us doing it for him, He is the one who is making himself real to people who have all sorts of backgrounds with Christians and churches that have done both really good and really harmful things to them, and I for one am excited to be a part of what is going on. To me, he is teaching me these days to love more deeply, to give to those around me, and to accept who I am, along with my passions, goals, and aspirations, as a viable way to work out my salvation, as we are instructed to do in scripture.

Oh wow, that was supposed to just be the quote from Sunday, but it turned into more.

Dios te bendiga!


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