Monday, May 26, 2008

Bill Hull speaks on Disciple making...

In one of the greatest books I've read this year, "The Disciple Making Pastor", Bill Hull writes, "Disciple making takes more faith than any other task of the church. Since it is top priority for God, it is top priority for Satan. No work of God's servant draws more resistance than disciple making.

This is why the words of Jesus in Luke 14:28-30 serve as an inaugural contract for the disciple making pastor. More than more, he feels tempted to quit before he finishes. Jesus said to quit before you start, unless you plan to finish. The nature of His work requires long term mininstry; therefore the enemy strikes the Achilles' heels of impatience and immediate results. The exhortation to count the cost is a tonic for discouragement, a reason to go on. But like a scorpion, it has a stinger in its tail. Before you start making disciples in the church, count the cost; don't start unless you plan to finish."

The Planter: Being a disciple making pastor truly must be the most difficult work. While that is true, I must say that nothing brings me more fulfillment in life as well. When compared to the end result, nothing satisfies me more than making disciples who make disciples who...


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