Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Is it?

Is it possible to have Re-formation in the American Church? Or are we stuck in mindset of doing good and feeling o.k. with good at the expense of best or better?

In this blog many articles have been written to raise awareness on issues and practices that look good and do much good, but may be hindering the very mission Jesus left for us to fulfill. In the end I have found mostly defensive responses rather than an honest look at the possibility that our church practices are enabling a form of Christianity rather than real lifestyle "sold out" to Christ- New Testament living.

If re-formation is not possible in the American Church than what must be done to get beyond the roadblocks and restraints that hold her back? What are those roadblocks and restraints?

I tend to strongly agree with my dear friend that the Luther Reformation stopped far to short and that it is not complete. At the same time I must wonder if true reformation is even possible in America. And I would conclude, of course it is if we obey God! Of course it isn't if we don't allow it? This is where I tend to lose heart.

What would it take for the church to move beyond or away from "programmed ministry service" in the community and back into the world with real spontaneous passion to serve the world and spread the Gospel in Holy Spirit led living and without the packaged hold my hand service program?

Or, in the end will we choose to continue planning service projects and outreach programs and while doing so circumvent the real heart of service in the world. Serving the world is not a check off service project from a planned event it is life on life and day by day Christ walking/living as we walk in the Spirit.

When will we see that our programmed approach to church is more about doing church than actually being church, a church that is alive on every corner of every city in the world because Christ is alive in us? I admit that doing church outreach programs do some good but in the end they are actually the very thing that is keeping the spontaneous flow of Christ living from happening.

Let's stop living for the good when there is a better and best way to let Jesus incarnationally live His life through us every second of every day. It is time for the church in America to gather as the Body of Christ and then Scatter as the Body of Christ. We have lost our scattering New Testament ways.


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