Friday, August 08, 2008

present church and denominations will miss out...

There is a huge hunger for holiness among our younger generations. You'll find them in their 30's, 20's and teens. They want a cause worth living and dying for. They deeply love Jesus but despise the institution called the church. They love the Body of Christ but they see through much inconsistency, hypocrisy and shallow commitments often evident in the church organization. They love Jesus but despise the church in her institutional forms. They refuse to play church and refuse to settle for anything less than what Jesus would settle for.

God is calling out the remnant, He is raising up these younger and passion filled Christ followers to lead the reformation in America. This army will not fit in established denominational structures. Trying to mix them is like trying to mix water and gas or oil. It doesn't work. They are leaving these structures by the droves. They love Jesus but they just cannot stand what they have seen in the church. They long for purity and holiness and something to live and even die for if necessary.

Because of our attempts to control it, those in church and or denominational structures will miss out on this huge move of God. For a season the leaders in these denominational structures will appear blinded by this truth as God does His work of raising up and releasing an army of holiness that cause the demons to shutter when they speak. It will reveal a holiness and willingness to sacrifice what is uncommon to man and to the spiritual realms. Through these younger generations even the demons will discover that God is God and He alone is God.

We are in this phase. An army is being raised up. And the structures of our day will not hold them in, they have left or are leaving by the droves. Our present American Church forms, structures and denominational strongholds are inadvertently choking this work of God by hanging on so tightly to present forms and wine skins. Because of this tight "strangle hold of control" this God movement must happen outside the church and denominational structures of our day. Radical and fluid Holy Spirit work cannot and will not flourish in our present system. Instead God is birthing something in the hearts of these younger generations that will bring forth a new kind of Christianity - the one found in her early days of purity, sacrifice and holiness.

This God ordained movement of holiness and transformation must be released with our blessing or it will leave us without the blessing of ever having had part in it. We will wake up one day and wonder how we missed out on the reformation.

Denominational leaders must wake up and realize their part in releasing and blessing this move of God without control. You must give us permission to leave you with your blessing. I'm a 50 year old man with a passion for the things our younger generations are passionate about. I'm in this army. I'm going to do everything I can to keep up with these emerging leaders.

If you want to join the army, let's connect.


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