Thursday, January 12, 2006

The Jesus Creed by Brian McLaren

We have confidence in Jesus;
Who healed the sick, the paralyzed,
And even raised the dead.

He cast out evil powers and
confronted corrupt leaders.
He cleansed the temple,
He favored the poor,
He turned water into wine,
Walked on the water,
And calmed the storms.

He died for the sins of the world,
Rose from the dead, ascended to the Father,
And sent the Holy Spirit.

We Have Confidence in Jesus;
Who taught in Word and example,
Signs and wonders.
He preached in parables about the kingdom of God,
On hillsides, from boats, in the temple, in homes,
At banquets and parties, along the road, on beaches, in towns,
By day and by night.

He taught the way of love for God and neighbor,
For strangers and enemies, for outcast and alien.

We Have Confidence in Jesus;
Who called disciples and led them,
Gave them a new purpose,
And sent them out to preach Good News.
He washed their feet as a Servant,
He walked with them, ate with them,
Called them friends,
Rebuked them, encouraged them,
Promised to leave them and then return,
And promised to be with them always.

He taught them to pray.
He rose early in the morning, stole away to desolate places,
Fasted and faced agonizing temptations,
Wept in the garden,
And prayed, "Not my will but your will be done."
He rejoiced, he sang, he fasted, he wept.

We Have Confidence in Jesus;
So we follow Him, learn His ways,
Seek to obey His teaching and live by His example.
We walk with Him, walk in Him, abide in Him,
As a branch in a vine.

We have not seen Him, but we love Him.
His words are to us words of life eternal.
And to know Him is to know the true and living God.
We do not see Him now, but WE HAVE CONFIDENCE IN HIM. AMEN!


At January 12, 2006 3:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't buy everything McLaren sells, but this is nice -- for a creed.

I do wonder what he means, and doesn't mean, by having "confidence" in Jesus. Is he speaking of faith -- the confidence of things unseen -- or something else?

Haven't read him enough to be sure.

At January 12, 2006 5:14 PM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

Mike, go to my blog and click on the right side for the Brian McLaren link and take at look at his work and responses to his critics and you will discover a deep Christ follower.

Remember he is operating from a totally different viewpoint than most of us being brought up through the churchy system

For instance there was a study donein the 90's with these results. 83% of church going high schoolers dropped out of the church within one year of high school graduation. I fear that stat is higher and less than a year from graduation. McLaren claims they are dropping out because they are forced into a box that is too small for the world. The box refers to rigity and judgement and narrow mindedness and outword things instead of a close relationship with Jesus. Remember the Church in America is not the best example of the Church Jesus died for.

I love your questions.

At January 12, 2006 5:16 PM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

Mike, go to my blog and click on the right side for the Brian McLaren link and take at look at his work and responses to his critics and you will discover a deep Christ follower.

Remember he is operating from a totally different viewpoint than most of us being brought up through our USA churchy system

For instance there was a study donein the 90's with these results. 83% of church going high schoolers dropped out of the church within one year of high school graduation. I fear that stat is higher and less than a year from graduation if the survey was today.. McLaren claims they are dropping out because they are forced into a box that is too small for their world. The box refers to rigity and judgement and narrow mindedness and going to church as a measure of being a Christian instead of being the Church and having a close relationship with Jesus. Remember the Church in America is not the best example of the Church Jesus died for.

I love your questions.

At January 12, 2006 5:19 PM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

This is what I get for publishing my comments before editing them. Now I have two comments on the same thing, but my second comment is more powerful.

At January 17, 2006 11:30 PM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

I like this! Does anyone else like it?


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