Saturday, June 10, 2006

Ministry Update:

It looks like the poison ivy has passed for now. But I remain on a mission to eleminate it from our woods behind our house. Thank God for all your prayers and for the shot in my (*) and the medicine as well. I'm surprised I'm thanking God for a shot with humiliation.

We have been busy looking for new ways to find the people God needs to bring in the harvest here in the metro regions of Kansas City and St. Louis. Ulitimately God will lead the right people to the right place at the right time. Keep praying for the Lord of the Harvest to send workers and resources to the Harvest fields.

We continue to network in St. Louis and Kansas City. We are hopeful that we will be ready to invite VisionUSA to both cities in the fall. VisionUSA is a group of busines leaders, like Al Weiss, president of Disney Theme Park -worldwide, who have a passion to reach lost people. They come in and help raise money for new Church Planting Teams.

Along with fundraising -the really slow and hard part of my job, Chel and I have been spending time with our neighbors. Yesterday an older couple invited us over for breakfast and they asked me to pray for the meal. I almost fell out of my chair. They are watching and listening! I have many stories about my neighbors and their openness to Jesus.

We continue to walk by faith...You please pray with faith for us.


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