Thursday, August 10, 2006

I should get a commission....

As much as I quote or talk about the "Organic Church" by Neil Cole from Leadership Network Publications, I should get a kick back so we can invest more and more in making more disciple makers.

I'm joking... really! If I could write a book and if God would bless me that way, it would be neat to give all the royalties for kingdom investment in things like a training center for emergent leaders that focuses on Making Disciples and Multiplying Churches while realizing that as we make disciples who make disicples it is God who gives birth to the Church. Something like this would be totally free for anyone to attend. No one makes money but Jesus. What a crazy idea, heah?

Anyway, I got side tracked a bit.

Has anyone else read the "Organic Church"? Can you tell us how it impacted you and your thinking? No resource in a long time has so moved me like this one. I guess you could say -I highly recommend it for all.


At August 10, 2006 11:35 AM, Blogger Bill said...

There were two books that I read last fall that were the "tipping" point of my life as a church planter/pastor. One was Unlearning Church by Mike Slaughter and the other was Organic Church by Neil Cole.

God used both of those books (among other things) to shape in a big way the vision we now have for Epic Church of Augusta.

At August 10, 2006 1:15 PM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

Bill, I am ordering Unlearning Church!
Thanks my friend.

At August 10, 2006 2:00 PM, Blogger Bill said...

While you're at it, check out Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell and Church Reimagined by Doug Pagitt if you haven't already.


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