Friday, December 22, 2006

People long to see eternal results.

I heard it with my own ears, "I wish I didn't have to give my money where nothing is happening - but someone has to pay for the building. I'd much rather give where the money is doing something."

Here's a person with a bigger vision of what God can do. This person sees the big picture. She understands the reason Jesus came at Christmas and she would rather invest in lives transformed by Jesus than pay for buildings and status quo!

Even my elderly friend sees the problem!

Still stirring the pot. By the way, I'm not writing to get people to like me! There's something much greater at stake here.


At December 23, 2006 1:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bob, it's good news that many such as yourself have come to see God's vision for the church moving forward. We should feel blessed that he has brought us to this place. At the same time, it's important to have patience for the person that is still focussed on an antiquated church institution for their spiritual nurishment. Jesus is so good. When he encountered the multitudes and they didn't have anything to eat, the Disciples instict was to worry about what place whould have enough food for them to eat. Then Jesus asked how many loaves they had. If i'm taking this passage out of context forgive me but part of the journey for us is that we see what we have. We have the gifts, resources, and the holy spirit and we don't have to rely on the pew and the pulpit to do the work. We don't have to send anymore. We don't need to send our money anymore, and we don't need to send those who need to be cleaned up to churches.

It's great because once people see that Jesus has given us the resources to make disciples and make his name known, they will be running through walls to get to the nations.

At December 23, 2006 12:18 PM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

newbie in kc, I sure wish I could speak with you. Are you KC Missouri?

You are speaking my language and I have some more good news for you.

People long to see Jesus and we have Him and when we reveal Him by living Him before others, we have their attention.

Jesus is all we need and all we really have to do is show Jesus to others. Isn't that refreshing?

We recently did a home makeover for a single mother (Cheri) and her son as she is dying with cancer. We didn't know her but but we drove 1 1/2 hours to help. She told her friend what we did for Jesus so Jesus could do for her. The friend told her, "I can't believe that! That's not what Christians do!"

Cheri also led her chemo friend to Jesus! This friend was so bitter but was touched to see Jesus in action and she accepted Him. This new believer went into the hospital and she told Cheri "no matter what happens - I am going to be with Jesus."

While we gather together as a Church and while we meet in small groups we are making "Being" the Church more important than just going to church. We have time to do it because we are not tied down with all kinds of inside ministries. We have no buildings or expenditures that tie us down. We just meet needs for Jesus.

It is so freeing and so fruitful. We are blessed. Now we pray to reproduce showing Jesus to the world.

At December 28, 2006 11:18 AM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

newbie in kc just moved by faith to begin a movement of authentic Christ following disciple multipliers.

Pray for Matt who teams up with Pastor Anthony as they work in the marketplace and experiencing ministry in a new paradigm. Results are multiplying.

Matt needs a job that is exactly where God wants him.


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