What I thought was great, I now see as harmful!
Bob Roberts Jr. in his new book, "Transformation" has this confession. "These two individuals (Thom Wolf & Carol Davis) began to teach me what I wasn't ready to hear - they began to plant seeds inside of me about what it meant to grow the Church - Capital C, not just my church. These are two very different things altogether. In the following antagonizing months, I made a decision. Instead of being the biggest church in the area, we were going to Church the area."
"Sometimes, what's good for my church isn't always what's good for the Church. And sometimes, frankly, what's good for the Church may actually be bad for my church."
The Planter: I can personally say that after 23 years of senior level ministry that this is where my personal transformation began, and, I can say I understand what Bob Roberts went through because for me it was gut wrenching and I felt like I was going through the wringer that wrung me inside out. God began to strip away what I thought was great and while reminding me that lives were changed, I never successfully led the churches I pastored into BEING the Church instead of just (for the most part) doing church. What I thought was good (at that time) for my church, was actually bad for the Church. (Note the places where Church/church is or isn't capitalized)
You know, I can really identiy with that. I've never been a pastor (ha, that's pretty obvious) but I have had, what I thought I was doing for God, totally stripped away. And it hurt...for about 10 years it hurt. I hid because it hurt so bad. So in all things I've learned that if we are doing His things without Him (and sometimes we feel confident that we are) then it is of no use. Today I'm thankful, (well, I would have rather learned the lesson without all the pain) of having to be stripped down to just me and Him. Now I think it's time to set out on that road He had planned for me, but this time it's gonna be way different. I'm really looking forward to it. Judy M
Judy, I'm just blessed by your life and your words here. God is moving us down the road in ways we never imagined for His good and glory.
When will we see your blog? You really should share more of your life with our blogging world. People are reading, listening and watching.
ok here I am....
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