Enemy deception...beware
Along my faith journey God reveals interesting things to me along the way. Some of those things brings overflowing joy and others bring heartbreak. What I am about to share with you is heartbreaking. It involves the church, those of us who profess to belong to Him. So many have been duped by the enemy.
In America we have our rights, and those rights have become life-pursuits in the church family.
We have made three pursuits the priority of our lives: Passions, Possessions and Positions.
Far to many have been duped as there lives revolve around the pursuit of these three things. *By the way it will take an entire lifetime of searching and feeding these pursuits only to end up empty handed in the end.
We have been duped in our pursuit of selfish passions (selfishness). We want to be entertained, we want to feel good, we want to experience all the world has to offer.
We have been duped in our pursuit of possessions (greed). We are more worried/focussed on getting more and laying up for ourselves treasures on earth than we are willing to lay up for ourselves treasure in heaven. We easily spend money on our wants while at the same time it's like pulling teeth to get us to release it to God and His kingdom work.
We have been duped in our pursuit of positions (pride). We just want to look good. Our pride drives us up to the top so that we can become the king of the hill. It all about our desire for control.
Are these thing present in the Body of Christ?
The ways of the world have become the ways of the church...
*Feel goodism brings in a crowd. People leave the service feeling great about the service or the sermon with very little mention of Jesus if any mention at all.
*Possessions are the desires of our hearts and the church needs more and more for the more and more of what they have and seek to have individually and corporately.
*Positions are all about power and leaders (lay and clergy alike) seek it. Many church families are destroyed because of it. Many lost people are sick of it.
Jesus was passionate about redeeming a lost world.
Jesus had no possessions and the little He may have had was given to others.
Jesus had no hunger for position and those who follow Him must be servants too.
You never gave up preaching - you are now a blog preacher.
Keep preaching brother!
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