Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Have we left Him out?

I know there are ministries out there who are Man-lead rather than Spirit-led. I'm not going to figure out who is or who isn't, that's not my job and I admit I have been very guilty here myself. This truth was recently taught to me by a dear missionary at Keystone and my own pastor who teaches logos -the Truth in the full power of the rhema -revelation of the Holy Spirit. The result is that the word of God has resulted in many more rhema ("AHAH") moments of revelation I have never seen in the scriptures before. I am reading with new eyes and a hungry heart for the next rhema.

Along with others, we have made the mistake of putting people into Bible reading too soon. (I'll be labeled unkindly here) But as you read on, if a person is not a believer reading logos could do them spiritual set backs. What I mean is that word brings condemnation to those who do not know Christ. To those who come to Christ we are giving them a logos that cannot be clear without the Holy Spirit's revelation. I am pondering over these thoughts. We mistakenly think the truth revealed is man's job when it is the role of the Holy Spirit. Man can teach to others the revelations of God only after they receive the rhema of the Holy Spirit, but make no mistake the Holy Spirit can also reveal truth to new believers in ways we may not have ever seen before.

You have heard of dead churches? They are likely logos without rehma churches. Or how about bored people sitting in a pew or stadium, they are likely logos without rhema churches. Or then,other churches who have to entertain with bigger and better - run the risk of being logos without the rhema churches. The point is not an indictment, if it were, I am the first to stand condemned. These are thoughts to pray over. Many churches across America welcome the teaching of logos and rhema "a must" working together in our hearts and lives and they are giants in reaching the world for Christ, however large or small.

Have we left Him out? New and older believers alike must learn the truth of the logos and the no-negotiable need for Holy Spirit revelation of such truth. This means as we make new disciples who make disciples they must learn that logos and rhemas must be together if we are going to understand the Word of God by listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit.

Now for your thoughts.


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