Monday, January 21, 2008

Parents are often...

Parents are often lazy....

Yes you heard me right.

Parents are lazy when it comes to dealing with the teachings of God with their own children. They not only do not want to teach them spiritual things but they don't want to live Jesus before them either.

We have Sunday school and children's church, but that will never do the job mom and dad can do with deep spiritual fruit.

Parents are lazy! Parents are also sinful when they pass on to Sunday school teachers their own authority and responsibility to disciple their own children.

It takes work! Parents and children are most often never together at one time. Then they worship God and they are not even together. We need to get together with our children and it is your job as a parent to disciple your own kids. If you think a Sunday school teacher or a youth pastor will be able to do it successfully --- you are wrong. It always works when you do it. You teach them about Jesus and then you live it consistently before your children and your children will grow up to be giants of faith in God. I promise!

If you don't believe me, maybe you should should get off of the couch and turn off the TV and tuck in your kids and try me by keeping your God-given spiritual authority.

There is time! Be lazy and pass your children off to others to provide spiritual authority or JUST DO IT YOURSELF, you decide! Spiritual leadership takes time away from TV among other things. Will you do it? Do it or risk losing your children. You have a choice! What will you choose?

I have even more to say, ask me!


At January 21, 2008 9:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a sad truth. I taught Sunday School for a couple of years. During that time I had no idea that Jesus was God. My own experience with Sunday School when I was a child was also not a good experience. It put the fear of God into my heart.

The other sad truth is that parents miss the joy of also having their children teach them. They laughter, sorrow, and embodiment of God's Word in the simplest of acts, gets lost in the consumeristic view of abdicating our responsibilities.


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