Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A look at suffering and God...

God does not cause suffering, He allows it. God does not cause pain, He uses it.

Last Friday, March 14th I got out of the hospital after spending 6 nights and 7 days due to complications from a hernia surgery. This is my second surgery in less than a year that had to be redone due to staph infection.

I've come to conclude rather sarcastically that if you want to get sick, go to the hospital and stay their for a while. Even in America? YESSSS!

God does not cause suffering, He allows it. God does not cause pain, He uses it.
Without God allowing suffering in my life, I would have missed some of life's biggest blessings and lessons. Whoever thought that suffering could be beneficial, helpful and positive? Well the truth is, for me, God has used (is using) pain/suffering in my life (Romans 8:28) for my good and His glory.

I'm not trading pain/suffering for the blessings and lessons that come because of it.


At March 20, 2008 11:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

God does not cause suffering. He allows it.

I'm reminded of some Chinese car manufacturers (eg Chery). They don't cause the pain drivers suffer when they crash in the zero-rated crash test cars that crumple so completely that the air bags are useless.

No, Chery don't cause the pain, they simply make dangerously bad cars.

Who created the Universe, by the way?

At March 21, 2008 12:26 AM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

David, God created the universe, not Chery. And by the way it may look like we are a bunch of air bags but we are not. We are not cars, we are broken vessels (because of sin) and no one ever claimed perfection with validity. Jesus is the only perfect One and we are the fallen side of creation who because of Calvary and the resurrection of Jesus we are redeemed as we turn to Him.

A car is a car is a car. A human being is a divine creation.

Many have used their bodies as a car with useless airbags. How sad! There are consequences for our actions. Of course you see that.

Now my friend, what did I miss at this late hour? My migraine headache is setting in and yet my lips continue to be filled with praise to my creator God. In the beginning...there was God and in the end there will be God. Only ONE and ONLY the true God who paid the ultimate sacrifice for my sin and rebellion through His death and resurrection.

Because He lives, we all have the privilege and opportunity to live.

Celebrate with me as all the principalities of darkness are silenced with Easter!

At March 21, 2008 2:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and one more thing, those Chinese car manufacturers will one day produce better cars than your almost bankrupt American car manufacturers can make.

The Japanese long ago surpassed American cars in quality, safety, reliability and economy.

Soon the Chinese will surpass the US militarily.

How come your country is disappearing so fast, Bob.

Your piss weak president can't even win in Iraq.

Bob, explain why the worlds most powerful army was defeated in Vietnam?

I'm laughing at you, Bob, not with you.

And, Bob, explain why the US has such a problem with addictive drugs, violence, racial tension and school shootings.

What a f*cked up country you live in, Bob.

At March 21, 2008 2:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So don't tell me to celebrate with you, Bob.

Soon your greedy, consumeristic way of life will disappear, forever. 5% of the world's population consuming 25% of the worlds oil resources. What Christian principle is that, Bob, that you are participating in.

Do you understand why the world hates the US so much, Bob? Do you?

On behalf of the rest of the world, f*ck off America.

Greey America with its greedy Christians including greedy Bob.

At March 21, 2008 9:40 AM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

David, I didn't say celebrate America, I said let's celebrate Jesus. Jesus Christ isn't an American Savior, He is the world's Savior.

Why are you so angry at me? I think if we had the opportunity to meet I would give you a different perspective. There are lots and lots of things I dislike about American lifestyles and the way we live out our consuming lives. And yes you are right Christianity in America is greedy and consumer driven. I fight against that in the American Church. In our disciple driven church movement we have no programs, large multi-million dollar facilities, no large budgets and no Sunday morning show to attract people to. We meet in parks when we can. All we have to offer people is Jesus! We just started a mission impossible store to sell handmade goods from African believers to help them. They make the goods and we sell them and return the money to them so they can make a better life for themselves.

I love you David as a person. Just try not to put me in the same sentence with other Christians. I don't like to be called a Christian. I am a devoted Christ follower and the term Christian is one greatly distorted and often far from what Jesus demands of us. Christianity has strayed a long way and we have lost respect in the world. We need to get Jesus back into what it means to be a Christian. I love those who follow Jesus.

David, I'm sorry I torqued you off. Keep writing. Easter is about forgiveness, please forgive me.

I understand some of why people hate America so much. But David, I wish you wouldn't hate me. I'd love to get to know you. I like your spunk and honesty here. In fact, I respect it, and I appreciate it.

At March 21, 2008 9:06 PM, Blogger Michael Ehret said...

I don't respect it. I think he's nothing more than a hate-mongering troll, going from blog to blog having his kicks trying to see who he can upset. Respect? no. Appreciate? No. Tolerate? Sure, that's why I feel free to post this. And sign my name.

At March 22, 2008 12:57 PM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

Welcome back, Mike. I thought you left me.

I respect honesty.

And for anon, I didn't say I agreed with him, I'd just like to say that no country is perfect and Christ is not an America God, He is the World's savior. I just wish people would not associate Christ with America.

At March 23, 2008 2:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As soon as someone points out some unpleasant facts about the US, the personal attacks begin. A "hate-mongering troll", huh?

I'd like to see you say that to my face. Here is a challenge for you: track me down and kill me. Are you up to it, you coward?

At March 23, 2008 5:44 AM, Blogger Michael Ehret said...

More ridiculous comments, David. My earlier comment has nothing to do with your unpleasant facts about the US. It has to do with your unreasonable vitriol against a man you don't even know.

Time to find another playground, D.

At March 23, 2008 5:47 AM, Blogger Michael Ehret said...

Oh, and Bob? I respect honesty too. That's not what you have from David, though. All you have is the taunting aggression blog trolls are known for.

At March 24, 2008 12:02 PM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

This is interesting...

David, I'd like to track you down and show you a positive view of America from one who is American. I think you might even like me.

Are you up to that challenge David? Would you let me into your life for a positive glimpse into mine?

I would sit down eyeball to eyeball with you. I do sense you have been deeply hurt and that you are in deep pain. When I read your thoughts I see someone who is hurting and may need healing that goes deep into your emotional being. I'd like to help you.

Mike, It's not in what David said that concerns me. It's what He didn't say. He needs us to love Him and seek to understand Him. He has pain that needs to be healed, by Jesus.

At March 24, 2008 7:35 PM, Blogger Michael Ehret said...

Could be, Bob. Could be. But I could be right, too. If you want to "play" with him, go ahead. I've had my say and I'll say no more about it. But see if you can get him to take it out of the public forum.

As you know, being a Christian is not the same as being a doormat. I wanted to defend my friend and have done so.

At March 24, 2008 9:06 PM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

Thanks Mike, I do appreciate you and of course you may entirely correct and I may be wrong. I just never quite understand what tripped David's trigger. It was like something or someone set him off. Was it America? Me? Jesus? Or ? Either way we have both covered by sides of it quite well.

I was shocked at first and then I became intrigued by David and his comments and his pain. There is obvious pain.

In ministry I have learned that the one(s) who cause me the most pain are in the most pain.

Mike, you must wait and see and then let more comments flow here.


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