Monday, June 02, 2008

Thots on Apostolic Ministry Among Denominations

Alan Hirsch posted the following comments from Steve Addison
“The apostolic role within established churches and denominations requires the reinterpreting the denomination’s foundational values in the light of the demands of its mission today. The ultimate goal of these apostolic leaders is to call the denomination away from maintenance, back to mission. The apostolic denominational leader needs to be a visionary, who can outlast significant opposition from within the denominational structures and can build alliances with those who desire change. Furthermore, the strategy of the apostolic leader could involve, casting vision and winning approval for a shift from maintenance to mission. In addition the leader has to encourage signs of life within the existing structures and raise up a new generation of leaders and churches from the old. The apostolic denominational leader needs to ensure the new generation is not “frozen out” by those who resist change. Finally, such a leader must restructure the denominations institutions so that they serve mission purposes.” - Steve Addison

The Planter: I believe Steve Addison is right on here. For those with Apostolic (Ephesians 4) Leadership Gifts we tend to be misunderstood and often labeled when we speak against maintenance in favor of intentional and personal Great Commission disciple making. Often in the denominational structures there is no advocate for those who raise the flag so to speak. I believe this is why so many apostolic leaders have left their denomination in search of a way to fulfill their God given dreams of a better way.

Do you know what it feels like to be frozen out? What are your thoughts?


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