Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Back to the basics and on to surrender...

The very forms of the American Church that are now hindering us are the same forms we exported around the world. We have inadvertently exported our problems to others.

I'm involved in dissecting the American Church with a visit back to the basics. You will be interested to see what we are discovering. It's back to the simplicity of the Gospel and back to the simplicity of making disciples who make disciples without diluting the meaning of disciple. "If you want to be a disciple of mine then _______________________________________", Jesus said. You fill in the blank.

We have given our disciples a cause worth living and dying for. This is what younger generations have longed for. You cannot believe what I am seeing as the younger generations commit to this.


At August 12, 2008 4:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get back to basics with hellfire and brimstone preaching.

Tell 'em the truth, Bob.

Tell them that God will send them to eternal suffering if they don't accept His "free" gift of salvation.

You're only telling half the story if you leave this part out. And as we know, telling a partial truth is equivalent to deception. Do you want to deceive people, Bob?

So remember, folks, "God is love" is a limited time offer.

Believe, or else.

At August 12, 2008 5:09 PM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

I wish you knew me by now and if you did you wouldn't be concerned about this.

Our new disciples no what following Jesus is going to cost them. And it is not some wamby pamby God is love pat on the back.

Most would be ALARMED at the price we ask our new Christ followers to pay.

At August 12, 2008 6:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bob, the best way is to get the insurance ticket to Heaven, and then get back to the pleasures of sin.

Yeah, I know the Bible frowns upon people sinning after being saved, but at least you don't go to Hell.

No need for sacrifice at all. Life is too short to give that up.

Get the best of both worlds. Sin before death, and cash in the insurance after death. Can't go wrong.

Why can't you preach this alternative also, Bob? You should present all aspects of your faith, not just the ones you've cobbled together to from your personal brand of belief.

At August 12, 2008 6:21 PM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

David, because I don't believe what you suggest. You don;t understand what it means to follow Christ if you believe that nonsense. Following Jesus is all about giving it up for him and that is anything that offends Him. You need to discover repentance if you believe that Calvinistic extreme.

Nice try at baiting me. You believe what you suggest and you will be on the first boat to Hell.

At August 12, 2008 6:22 PM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

The sad thing is that you take people with you in this case of nonsense.

At August 12, 2008 10:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are suggesting, Bob, that you have nothing more than your personal belief to back you up.

Because belief varies so widely, more objective criteria than personal belief is required to a) determine God's will b) carrying out the large plan of telling others about the Kingdom of Heaven.

Something like the scientific method, for example, where evidence can be gathered, weighed and used to modified a theoretical framework which is falsifiable and has predictive and descriptive power.

What do you have beyond belief, Bob, to convince others that what you say is better than what others' preach?

If you can't come up with the goods, I would suggest that my alternative is much better, where one gets the best of both worlds.

At August 13, 2008 9:36 AM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

You sound like a person who discredits the authority of God's Word. The Word is Logos or Truth and the Truth is revealed by the Rhema or revelation of God's Spirit.

It's the Word of God that remains my foundation for every decision and belief. Let's talk about repentance. What does it mean to repent only to keep on sinning. If a person commits the sin of adultery and cheats on his wife, he needs to stop cheating on his wife in order to be forgiven. To say he can be saved and still keep cheating on His wife is whishy washy theology for sure. Jesus is clear about this. To repent is to change directions.

You make a weak argument here. That's like the young adult who told me he was saved and going to heaven but because he was already saved he had rights to view porn everyday. Come on! Get real!

At August 13, 2008 2:35 PM, Blogger Michael Ehret said...

Yeah, what he said! Bob, I mean, of course.

At August 13, 2008 5:31 PM, Blogger ChadPeterson said...

David sounds like an atheist who's mocking salvation.

At August 13, 2008 6:36 PM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

Which means I'm done throwing pearls before the swine. I'm not giving you anymore pearlys David.

Chad, you nailed him. He's been here before.


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