Monday, August 11, 2008


To be able to see the Ephesians 4 Leadership gifts of Apostle, Prophet, Pastor, Teacher, Evangelist all engaging and working in the Body of Christ and outside of the Body of Christ is awesome.

At our All Church(es) gathering yesterday I was able to walk around and observe the gifts operating in the gathering. I cannot mention everything but I can tell you that all the gifts were operating.

Apostle: Anthony M, shares a passage of Scripture pointing the way for us.
Prophet: Chris G, walks around asking people "How God was at work in their lives".
Teacher: Jason H, shares a historical summary of communion and other traditions. Steve M, shares the meaning of communion and prays. He is also Pastorally gifted.
Pastor: Zachary M & Amy G, offering mercy to those engaged in heavy discussion as if to stick up for the one who is being confronted or challenged. Also Mark S is moving around the group and at times is seen praying over people. One such times not only brought tears to one being prayed for but also to me as I watched this happen.
Evangelist: I'm looking overlooking the park looking for opportunities to share Jesus.

I could make this a really long post identifying the entire Church and their gifts but this makes my point. I enjoy seeing the Body understand their Ephesians 4 leadership gifting and then walking that gift out in life.

Now as God raising up more Apostles among us, we release those Apostles to start a new work. As the new work grows we watch as God brings the leadership gifts into the mix so that the Church can function wholly and Holy. Isn't this exciting? While we do not count those who attend our gatherings, we do track the Leadership gifting of the Churches. For us in the Disciple Driven Church, we value being the Church and operating the way God made us through His gifting. It's amazing to see a Church that operates in the gifts.


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