Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hurricanes are not American punishment....

In defense of America I must say that a Hurricane is not God's wrath on America.

Ever since the fall of mankind in the Garden of Eden the choice has been made. Adam and Eve sinned thus all of humanity sin. When that happened a perfect universe was launch into chaos.

Hurricanes are mere results of fallen mankind. This was not the perfect will of God. These are the result of our own undoing.

Americans will suffer. But the entire world suffers. All because of sin.

Let's hold steady in our love and devotion for God is God and He alone is God!

Nothing happens in life without first passing by Him. He is God and He alone can take the tragedies of life and use them to bring Glory and honor to His Name.

HE IS GOD AND HE ALONE IS GOD... Can you see this Glory?

Satan meant our sin for destruction and Jesus means for us to have redemption. The choice is ours destruction or redemption.


At August 31, 2008 11:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you suggesting that God has never used natural phenomena to express His wrath since the fall? That's not what the Bible suggests. It's not what other people believe either.

So that leaves the questions of how do you know what God's will is, Bob?

The same question again, how does anyone know God's will?

The honest answer: no-one knows God's will for anything. No-one knows if God is having His way now or if His will is being thwarted.

Can you really demonstrate otherwise?

At September 02, 2008 5:44 PM, Blogger ChadPeterson said...

Well if God was going to bring judgement on America, I don't think he'd bring a hurricane to a near empty coast line.

Sometimes a hurricane is just a hurricane.

At September 03, 2008 6:49 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I think statistics prove that Hurricanes, and mother nature herself, are Sexist, Racist, Anti-homophobe biggots.

Down with hurricanes! Down with Mother Nature!


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