You asked for it....
My friend honest2blog asked, What does a Holy Spirit driven disciple making movement look like? Well he wasn't really all that nice about it but I'm not always nice either. It sorta makes two of us, right.
I only have time for a quick few snapshots and believe me I have a whole lot more to share at the right time.A few simple descriptions will tell the tale.
Unleashed Holy Spirit power.
Empowered disciple making Christ followers operating in their spiritual gifts, Eph 4 gifts and manifestation giftings.
People released from their addictions, bondage, strongholds.
People delivered from demons.
The church serving the church through their gifts.
Disciples who make disciples to also make disciples.
Reaching the world in fulfillment of the Great Commission the SUPREME thing.
Living in the Physical and Spiritual Realms.
Daily walking in the Spiritual Disciplines.
Acceptance of Christ and full surrender of everything for Him.
Baptism in water and in the Holy Spirit for empowerment for service.
Believers holding other believers accountable.
Everyone in a discipling relationship with someone discipling them and them also discipling another.
Miracles, healing, deliverance, no tolerance for not making disciples.
We do not plant churches -- we make disciples.
We have no need for buildings.
We do not invite the unsaved to worship until they find Jesus.
We invite people to Jesus first and then to church. In that order.
It's never about us -- Always about God and His mission.
We do not tolerate spiritually immature whining believers who live to be served.
No geographical or church or district boundaries.
We give up all our rights...
We give our younger twenty somethings something worth living and dying for.
Thanks, Bob, for the list. It's fascinating to me that the positive posts on discipleship generate so little conversation. That's unfortunate, but I guess it's human nature.
Two questions: Do you mean that just because something is messy it should be trusted as a work of God?
Second, would you also include anything related to the importance of the Scriptures? I didn't see anything related to teaching God's word or hunger for God's word. It was probably just an oversight.
""""Daily walking in the Spiritual Disciplines."""""
He included it. A passion comes with the rest of these things.
Eric is in one of our discipleship lines.
I mean when God works it really gets messy...
Of course we teach our disciples to spiritually discern the messiness. We can even see God working in Satan's messiness. Nothing happens with God's approval and He works through all things declaring the Glory of God.
I mean, nothing happens without God's approval... I was in a hurry.
Ah, Holy Spirit-driven disciple making movements... how i love those!
Other things that you would see there include:
the outcasts from the fringes of society proclaiming the glory of the Lord
the miserable, depressed, wounded hearts springing back with newfound life, pouring out an overflow of living water
those rejected by the masses (the homeless, the mentally deficient, the gay, the drug addicts) working in the power of the Holy Spirit, taking a part in His Kingdom.
Just thought i'd like to add these.
I would like to add to Zach, that the drug addicts, and the gay of course would be called to turn from those sins and told they can not continue them and follow Christ. They would be shown that there is freedom from those things in Christ. Also the goal with the homeless would be freedom in Christ as well as freedom from living on the street. The mentally deficient is a broad statement. If it is referring to any type of oppression, then of course that would be dealt with.
Great stuff...
I'm still smiling...
Christians would be relocating into neighborhoods that need Jesus and are full of poverty. Yes actually living there and serving and loving. Christians would become pastors of their neighborhoods meeting needs and showing the love of Jesus Young adults who have hated the church would be gathering for teaching discipling to the th generation. groups of young adult would be meeting at the local hang out to read through the Bible and find God's glory revealed in every book...
Absolutely Martilou!!!!!!
In this movement we encourage Christ followers by the nature of the movement to know our neighbors. My greatest ministry next to my family is my neighbors. They are real and I get to be real around them. They know we are here for them.
Great additions, are there others?
thank you for your additions, Eric. i assumed they would go without saying, but i might have been wrong
These are the expressions of the Church - the Body of Christ I long for and these are the expressions of the Church I am witnessing and experiencing.
I just don't assume people know anything anymore. :-)
Eric Wilson
Me too!
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