Thursday, August 31, 2006

Come on folks....

Come on folks it time to make this really simple... You can go to church a hundred times a week if you want. I don't care what you do. Let's see how spiritual we can get. I'm for getting spiritual fit and for doing whatever it takes to be their. But...

But... What good does our spiritual fitness do us if we are not letting God use us to be a little Jesus to the world? We are still called, each of us to Make disciples by "Going", "Baptising", and "Teaching then to obey."

Let's deprogram a bit. We need to put our methods of only making disciples at church on the shelf for a minute. It won't hurt anyone on the shelf for a few minutes.

Now that we have that taken care of that let me show you how to be a disciple who makes disciples and everyone can do this, it's easy.

#1 I am a Christ Follower who wants to obey Christ by making disciples as commanded in Matthew 28.

#2 As a Christ follower I begin praying for a person of Peace as recorded in Luke 10:6. This first person God sends your way needs Jesus and you build a relationship with him/her and you keep growing that friendship until your new friend trusts you and begins asking questions. As you continue to disciple (not with a curriculum but with Holy Spirit direction and your experiences with Jesus). This person of peace comes to Christ and he/she is baptised and then you send them out to do the same.

#3. You keep meeting with your person of peace who has found Jesus for as long as it takes for a level of maturity to set in. And your new Christ follower meets with his new Christ follower for life and down the line disciples are praying for a person to disciple and they lead their new friend who leads their new friend who leads their new friend.

#4. Each disciple maker hangs with his new disciple by discipling them for life and all that you share is filtered down as your disciples shares and they share and they share and they share.

Why do we pray for a person of peace to start this? Because a Person of Peace is a reproducer and we need a strong foundation. We won't pick this person, God already has this person and all we need to do is follow His lead. If we start with the person of peace (God picked) and we make disciples down the line to the fourth generation (four times) we will have a God anointed movement of disciple-making that cannot be stopped.

Does this movement exclude meeting with the Body of Christ? Of course not! Remember I said the Body of Christ can meet anywhere and everywhere at anytime in any setting. As the Bride of Christ we can meet in 3.3 million dollar addition or we can meet in a park or we can meet at Star Bucks. I really love the park. I don't like it when we try to do the Hollywood thing on Sunday.

Can you imagine believers in America doing this? As a believer I need just one person, the person of God's choosing to create a God birthed movement of disciples making disciples. And with that one person, my life-long charge is to pour my Jesus into his life.

Now take your method of disciple-making at church off the shelf. We want to lead people to Jesus here also. But this is not the only place and it is time we quit think we are making disciples ourselves by seeing people come to Christ on Sunday. After they come to Christ on Sunday who disciples them on Monday. And please, please, please don't put them in a 12 week discipleship class because at the end of 12 weeks they will likely never disciple anyone because they will learn how much they don't know and they will be filled with fear that they might miss something. These classes don't help new disciples make disciples right away and usually they learn to feel inadequate for this simple task we have made complicated..

Whether you want to face it or make all the excuses you want, disciple-making is your responsibility and mine and we must not wait until we die to see this. One we see the Truth we held accountable to it. So this post is a dangerous thing..

Come on folks - let's face it before it is too late.


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