Tuesday, October 10, 2006

God's Plan "A"

This is an excerpt from one of the greatest articles I have read in quite some time written by Bill Huffhine at www.epicaugusta.typepad.com (a must read).

"Jesus Christ didn't launch the church so that we could fill buildings, listen to sermons and plead for personal blessings. He launched the church so that we would bring food to people in famine, treat and heal the suffering and dying, make drinking water available to the thirsty, stand as an advocate for the oppressed, provide homes for the homeless, battle against the forces behind evil dictators and terrorists through acts of prayer, love, truth, and goodness, work for the peace and prosperity of our towns, states, and countries. Through all of these things we embody the Kingdom, demonstrating the truth and nature of God to the world around us; which is the loudest and clearest sermon that can ever be preached."

The Planter responds: Wouldn't it be great if American's were known around the world as the most compassionate nation in the world (purely humanitarian) all because believers were mobilized to live out Plan "A" ? Instead how does the world view Christianity? Bill you nailed it down on this one.

I also have a link right side of this article named "Bill Huffhine" - and you will find so much to to be challenged by with excellent and thought provoking writing.


At October 10, 2006 11:53 AM, Blogger Bill said...

Bob, you are too kind. I appreciate that you appreciate my thoughts. Thank you. :)

I "saw" you on my blog and said "hi" in the little chat box off to the right, but I must have just missed ya.

Love ya bro!


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