Thursday, October 26, 2006

Let's "GO"!

Let's "go" instead of just thinking or talking about "Going"! Are you....with me?

Where are the unreached? Where do they hangout? Why not go to them -where they are?

Oh, I forgot ---we cannot go to them nor can we go into those places! Who me? Go into a bar? What?

Where do the unreached hangout? Anyone have the nerve or love enough for people to go anyway?

Story: As Alice drove past the local bar se saw Harry's truck parked in front of the bar. Harry was inside but wasn't doing what Alice thought he was. Harry was discipling those "social outcasts" in the bar every Friday night.

Alice assumed Harry was inside doing what any drunk would do. She barely got home before spreading gossip to all of the church members in her and Harry's church. Harry found out Alice did this....He being ornery had this idea!

Harry left the bar and went to the home of Alice and while Alice's husband was away on a business trip he parked his pick up in her driveway -ALL weekend! Poor Alice!

Let's "GO" where the "PEOPLE" are! Where are the unreached people?

Are you going to them or do they have to come to you...which you know they will never do...?


At October 27, 2006 12:47 PM, Blogger Curt said...

But, Bob...what will we do with our new 5 million dollar facility if we don't fill it every night of the week with programs and invite all those sinners?

Jesus said, "If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin; but now that you claim you can see, your guilt remains." -John 9:41

I'll see you and my friends at the bar next Friday night. Sam Adams Light for myself, please. And may we meet some new friends to discuss life, love, and the possibility of a whole new Story into which we are all invited.

At October 27, 2006 9:15 PM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

Curt, I am with you side by side and we will be light in darkness. Jesus has a chance to redeem if we will only be his hands, feet and even lips. We will never reach them with judgemental attitudes toward that which is not even sin or is it?

You inspire me to greater things.

Why build those million dollar facilities when have the facilities already buil and even full of searching needy people who need real believers who love them.

At October 30, 2006 12:38 AM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

I have my best opportunities to serve whe I get away from the professing and into the world where the needy are living.

You know, there is more community and welcoming friendship outside of the Christendom-mode of church.

People are hungry and I am willing to show them the way! Not by getting in their face, but by letting them see Jesus and allowing them to open the door which they always do with time.

At November 01, 2006 2:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I appreciate you using my latest blog. It is a good thought!

At November 01, 2006 11:39 PM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

Todd, please clarify what you mean. I just visited your blog to see what you mean. I don't see it. How might I be using your blog?

Please clarify!

How are you?


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