Saturday, December 16, 2006

Where are they (you)?

These days finding potential leaders who are willing to work bi-vocationally (at first) are extremely hare to find. Where are they? Often I find people who want the security of an already established church salary or some upfront money to plant a church. Where are those who feel called to living organically - missionally - Great Commissionally that requires total reliance upon God? Where are those leaders who want to develop "Fully Devoted Christ Following Disciple Multipliers? Where are they when there is no initial salary? Where are they when it is required that they work in the marketplace? Where are they?

We have joined with God to launch a movement of Christ following disciple multipliers that are not dependant on buildings, budgets or bodies in pews. Programs are not even needed when disciplers are mobilized to show Jesus to the world. We will use the resources available but we will not be bound by them.

When you have the funding, and when you want leaders to plant churches in America it can happen quickly in the right place and time. The focus is on having a launch with all the right stuff and just enough of a nucleus. The more the merrier because then the leadership can be up and running on full support and great programs. There are positives of course and lives are impacted.

On the other hand, what are the stats on the different kind of movement I am speaking of? We only have the gauge and example of the New Testament Church.

This movement is different! While it may take longer to create a "disciples multiplying disciples" movement initially, and while it will likely start smaller in just the right time of God's anointing it will spin totally out of control. It will become a grass roots community - infiltrating move of God's Holy Spirit where lives are spiritually transformed.

I can see it in our St. Louis project and I see it on the horizon of America. Where are the leaders who will risk in a move of God beyond anything I have ever seen? It may not even make sese to do this -- but much of what God does - doesn't make sense.

Where are they?


At December 16, 2006 7:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does it make sense to march around a city seven times with archers looking down?

Does it make sense to speak to a rock?

Does it make sense to strike a lake with your coat?

Does it make sense to walk waist deep
into the Jordan with the Ark of God?

Then why do people in the religious
world have to "lean to their own understanding" when doing the work of God?

Get ready, Bob. You "aint seen nothin yet."

At December 16, 2006 10:35 PM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

I'm on the edge of my seat, I am on the edge of something I have never seen in my life of ministry. God is fueling somethig America has yet to see.


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