Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Continuous results - I know you hate long posts!

Since our True Vine family was service on Sunday "all day" something transformational has and is ocurring...

As the story is shared the movement is spreading. It's a movement of "Incarnational Life-Transformation" of just repesenting Jesus to the world as He represented Himself in the world.

A small newly birthed church under the leadership of Pastor Terry Goodwin, without a budget or a building or butts in pews has mobilized. We are part of the worldwide Church of Jesus Christ. We have discovered something that has changed the way we live out what it means to be Christ-following disciple multipliers. We have made "Incarnational disciple multipliers -the main thing. It's amazing what is happening. People are shocked when we don't need their money. People are shocked when we have no motive but to show them who Jesus is & we tell them that is why we are serving. People are shocked when we go out instead of just going in. We don't have a program to attract people -we show people who Jesus is and Jesus is the One who attracts people to Himself. Amazing! Our True Vine Church carpooled one and a half hours to serve a mother dying with cancer and a 12 year old son who is soon to be without a mother on Sunday (all day) . No Sunday service because we were the service.

That Sunday "Service" not a service is continuous - how so? One of many examples:

*A group of 12 people do a Home Makeover for a mother (Cheri) who is dying of cancer and a son soon to be without a mother. She may be healed who knows. 12 people over 100 hours of work and about $350.00 with time and money multiplied like fish and bread on a hillside.

*One in the group talks to a neighbor before leaving and tells him what Jesus did for Cheri and this neighbor discovers that Cheri needs help and is dying and agrees to clean her gutters and fix a window that leaks into Cheri's bedroom when it rains. He is there to access the situation the very next morning. I think he will do more we'll see.

*Cheri goes for Chemo the next day and shares what Jesus did and leads her bitter/mad at God friend to Jesus on the second day of treatment (Tuesday).

*Cheri tells another "skeptical friend what God did for her on Sunday when the church skipped service to be service and she says -"that's not what believers do -I cannot believe it" no one has ever did that for me. No one ever offered to paint my kitchen - I cannot do it."

*Cheri calls her church pastor (not the group who served) in this friends presence and tells her story about what God has done and that her friend needs help "her kitchen needs painted" and the pastor agrees to mobilize a crew to handle this.

*Another True Vine member learns of a family of six recently burned out and living in a motel who needs $245.00 a week to stay in the hotel and other things. Pastor Terry makes a few phone calls and discoers resources and their needs are being met and we are connecting with those leaders (in another church) who care about these kind of things. Without this need being made known -in addition to seeing that the family is served - we now have contacts with others who are passionate about what we are doing and we are joining together to share resources and network with others who share resources in the community.

*At a ladies tea the group shared the story and "Crystal" gets excited.

*Crystal goes to work and shares the story and someone learns about another family of six with a single dad who got burned out six months ago and a lady gives her a $50.00 check to help them. True Vine is gathering together to discern what God would have us do.

So Pastor Terry decides that he will just let God speak to the group about future needs rather than the establishing the projects for them. When a person in the True Vine family sees a need thae receive the blessing by meeting the need themselves or by involving those in the family to assist. This new church is mobilized to live incarnationally as disciple-multipliers everyday.

Something happens that "cannot be stopped" when Christ-followers learn to live incarnationally transformed lives before the world. We have no motive other than to show the world who Jesus is through our lives and actions. As people see Jesus -they are drawn to Him and discipled to live like Jeuss and reproduce Christ who are like Jesus!

If God can use 12 as we have seen here and over 2,000 years ago -he can use our 12 (as He did) and yours and yours and yours!

Any thoughts?


At December 13, 2006 6:01 PM, Blogger Dr. Terry M. Goodwin said...

I cry when I look at just this simple summary and so much more is happening everyday.

At December 13, 2006 10:01 PM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

I cry with you! A movement is born and cannot be stopped or controlled!


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