Wednesday, June 06, 2007

The Holy Spirit

While our salvation begins and culminates with Jesus which is a wonderful eternal gift, we need help fulfilling God's redemptive work on earth. We need help and that help is found in the sent one, The Holy Spirit.

We will never be able to be all we should be without the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives. The Holy Spirit searches, knows, reveals, speaks, testifies, moves, helps, creates, recreates, sanctifies, inspires, intercedes, comforts, teaches, leads, gives gifts, and orders the affairs of the Church.

It will be easy for the church to miss out on the blessings and leadership of the Holy Spirit. In the church there are two extremes one with Holy Spirit abuse of gifts and the other with Holy Spirit neglect. Both are dangerous. Both harm the mission of Jesus left for us to fulfill -His redemptive work!

I'm finding that some missional movements are downplaying the importance of the Holy Spirit leading the movement. Some never even acknowledge Him. We are living in an era of doing church mans way which means we do what man can do and we neglect what only God can do.

I see missional movements being birthed but having the same shallow ineffectiveness of the church in America. While these movements look different much to their own demise they end up with similar results if any at all.

There is no humanly possible way we can resurrect new "out of" control movements without the person and work of the Holy Spirit. While our focus is on Christ and His work, there must be a never dying hunger for God's Spirit to lead us and the movement for without Him there is just another man made up rearranged version of church.

I'm tired of formulas and strategies filled with man scheming. We think we have some new and profound answer for a dying American Church when in reality we have always had the answer. The early Church focussed on the mission of Christ and were filled and directed by the Holy Spirit to accomplish it. Because of this, they became a powerful "out o" control Church willing to die for the cause they represented.

With such clarity in Scripture how can anyone downplay the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit in these critical hours? We don't need a new book, new idea or a new methodology, we need the Holy Spirit and anything less is just another man made flop that looks good outwardly but produces little transformation or Christ mission fulfillment.

I'm sick and tired of new ideas for church that are man made. I hunger and thirst for a church to fall on her knees in desperation for the Holy Spirit to fall on them/us in New Testament anointing and power. While Christ is at the center of the message the Holy Spirit is at the center of the power to get the job done.

How could we downplay or leave the Holy Spirit out of missional? What are you thinking? Are you thinking at all?


At June 06, 2007 9:19 PM, Blogger Lori said...

I believe we miss the Spirit b/c we don't follow how God works. He chooses the humble route - always! The Baby born in a manger, twelve unschooled men as the chosen disciples to carry the mission, gatherings without form or method - yet with the Holy Spirit these humble beginnings take over the world. It was foolishness then, and it is foolishness today.

We don't go the humble route - but the big and loud, the visual, whatever appeals to the flesh. We miss the Spirit in our pursuit of BIG - b/c He is only found along the way of the humble and lowly.

One path glorifies man and the other can bring no glory except to God. No wonder it is such a struggle to follow the Holy Spirit - we are all too often on the wrong path going the wrong direction!!!


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