Thursday, August 16, 2007

Oh, America, America, Why?

We sings the songs, we dance to the music, we listen to the sermons, we pay our staffs to do the ministry, we give our tithes or at least some or none, we are so faithful.

We say we are here for the lost, but we like the services our way. We do fine until the newbies overcome the oldies. Soon there are more newbies doing what the oldie stakeholders used to do. People are threatened. Not the newbies but the stake holding oldies.

We hear those great sermons on the Great Commission and we say "Amen". We even give accolades to the pastor for a sermon well done, right and timely. Unfortunately that sermon goes into our heads where it often stays.

Oh America, America, where are those who say they believe in Jesus and who never give wings or flight to those beliefs? Many say they obey Jesus but sadly a growing number know the truth but never incorporate that truth into the core of their lives and actions? It almost like a head salvation instead of a life transformation.

We know we should be compassionate, but we walk passed the begger on the street corner. That begger could be Jesus you know. That begger may need Jesus you know.

Oh America, when will what you say you believe become translated into your actions. A hundred "Amens" do not support a case for disobedience.

I sense Jesus saying, Oh Jerusalem, Jerusalem, WHY? Oh America, America, why?

Why must more die with out Jesus? Why? Jesus said,Why?

Will you and I let another day go by without trying to stop the trend of lip service at the price of active obedience. How can it be so hard to build friendships with those who are hungry and searching for answers. It is not, no matter how you are wired.

These are just thoughts from tear filled eyes over a harvest of lost and dying people who are like sheep without a shepherd. I'm overwhelmed by the magnitude of lostness within 500 feet of my apartment. When will those who do not know Jesus find Him? My heart breaks for those who hunger and search but have not yet found Jesus.

My heart breaks for Jesus and His sacrifice, such a sacrifice that is taken ever so lightly.

I pray: "I'm sorry, Jesus, for not taking your heart, message ans passion to reach the world more fervently and passionately." While we argue over the trivial, someone has died without Jesus. Your neighbor, friend, work associate, a mother of seven, a neighbor in need and searching. Someone has died! Without Jesus!

I grieve with Jesus over our lack of concern ( me too at times) for people who matter to God.

Your prayers and thoughts are ever so welcome here. Let's feel the pain of Jesus over one soul who has not come home to Him who in the end is lost for eternity.

It remains to be the tears of the saints who make way for the soil to be prepared for the hungry to bear the fruit of redemption.

Are you with me? Let our focus be on Jesus and His magnificent sacrificial gift and let's take that free gift to those God has prepared and has placed in our lives.


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