Friday, August 17, 2007


Before I post, this is not directed at anyone. It is a common theme in the American church which is worthy of conversation. Whenever a flaw is pointed out in my life -it's natural for me to get defensive. But...

*How many of you would agree that Satan has undermined the church?
*How many of you would agree that because of Satan we have weak spots in the foundation of the church and her mission?
*How many of you would agree that Satan is behind the problems in the church?
*How many of you would agree that Satan has and does detour us from the mission of Jesus regarding the Great Commission?
*How many of you would agree that Satan would love to see the church go through the motions without Great Commission fulfillment and even love for Jesus?
*How many of you would agree that Satan loves for us to accept salvation without transformation? I call this easy believing or believism (maybe a new word). Say a pray and stay on the same old track, if you get what I mean.
*How many of you would agree that Satan loves to make counterfeit Christians who do not really know Jesus?
*How many of you would agree that Satan is behind our losses in America?

Of course this is getting boring, we all know these things to be true. Of course we agree to all of these points. Satan is destructive in the church and the church has veered off course from time to time due to his influence and now is one of those times.

Now if Satan is behind it, why do believers defend it when it is revealed? Why do we personalize it and become threatened when the weak spots are revealed. I've worked in the Christian community long enough to know that we all know the church has room to improve but I also know that when as pastor I pointed them out, people got defensive as if to say, we are fine.

If Satan is the destructive force behind our missional/disciple-making ineffectiveness and consumer driven church, why do we side up with him in defense of his work? If disobedience in the body of Christ is the result of our ineffective disciple making why do we defend and condone it?

I'm just asking for help with the why.

What do you think. As pastor I often told my staff, the minute you get defensive with a church member, we all lose.


At August 17, 2007 6:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

People are full of unbelief.
It's lack of faith, and lack of understanding, pride and ingnorance. If we are not at every moment bowing to Jesus in our hearts and actions, we will bow to the demons of this world....
We are used to bowing to the demon....We must be set free buy having faith in God and through the transformation of the Holy scripture and by the power of the Holy Ghost. Christians beware, norrow is the path, be not at ease in the increase of your wealth for God will set you on a slippery path. Jesus have mercy we need you God.


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