Friday, September 14, 2007

How do they know? vs What do they know?

How do they know you are a Christ follower

While in my last stay at the hospital the housekeeper asked how long I had been a Christ follower. I told her. Then I asked her how long she had been a Christ follower and she told me about 2 years. I asked her how she knew that I knew Jesus? She just said, I could tell. I then told her I knew she was a believer too.

Interesting story: I was in the same hospital on the same floor with some of the same nurses and the same housekeeper. When my housekeeper walked in I calerd her by her first name. I call all the techs and nurses by their first name and I did that every time they walked into the room. I think learning names of those who are caring for you sends a message of care and appreciation of their worth to you.

I never said a word to Sherry about Jesus at first, I just tried to show her Jesus, and she noticed Jesus in the room.

Again, how do people see Jesus in you? My case turned out very positive, I could not always say that in my life. I have other positive examples flowing out of my trasnformation. But, other cases are not so positive as Christians engage the world. Like the response of a waitress when professing Christ followers are in her table area and very hard to please or grouchy or mistreating her.

Any thoughts on this? How do they know? What do they know about your faith? And other examples that trouble you.


At September 14, 2007 12:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just make sure you show Jesus to Michelle while she is taking care at home!;) Glad to see you are on the mend!!

At September 14, 2007 1:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

...taking care OF YOU at home. OOPS

At September 14, 2007 11:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love? Joy? Peace? Longsuffering?Gentleness? Goodness?Faith? Meekness? Temperance? If one can answer yes to these questions... they will know that you are a Christ follower without a word. Good thing about this is that it is not about us anyhow, none of us could do this without the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. You and your family are in our prayers as you continue to recover.

At September 17, 2007 9:28 AM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

Byron and John, my Bedford connections, they know when they see you, a mystery only God can perform when He shines through each of you.


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