I surely would...
I surely would rather spend all my time investing in a small army of believers who all believe it is their personal responsibility to engage the Great commission mandate to make disciples who also make disciples who also make disciples who...
All fulfillment in my Christ ministry comes from investing the rest of my in this small army of believers who are actively engaging the Great Commission mandate.
Preaching to 1000 or more people who are unwilling to personally make disciples is no longer a dream or a goal for me. I would rather be where the real action is where each one reaches one who reaches another and another and another.
It saddens me that we sell (or sold) the body of Christ short when it comes to disciple making. We really don't believe they can do it so we let em off the hook and take them out of the blessing stream of reaching hundreds to Christ themselves. When this happens, deception has taken root in the Christ family.
Getting new believers to reach others for Christ is the easiest thing I have ever been part of. Watching them bring new believers into the family is the joy of my life. Witnessing them baptize their new convert brings an indescribable joy to the disciple maker who just led his new convert through his first act of obedience as a new believer. And so much more... All of this gives birth to a movement of God an unleashing of the Holy Spirit in majestic power.
Are you interested in the history of your faith?
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Wow! Atheistic evangelism (above comment)! There's got to be a paradox in there somewhere, right?
Press on in your discipleship vision, brother! I'm so pleased that in God's perfect leading, He'll continue to blow all of our minds on what "kingdom" is and how it goes forth. I'm excited for you, man!
this site, in a satirical way, pretty much says it all.
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