Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Politics, Jesus Style versus Ours

In "UnChristian" we see Christian politics and Jesus Politics compared.

"unChristian: Christians rely too heavily on political influence.
Christian: We are cautious not to place too much emphasis on politics.

unChristian: Christians get enamored with politics.
Christlike: There is nothing gained by winning elections if we lose our soul in the process.

unChristian: Christians drown out and demonize the voices of others.
Christlike: Respect our enemies and be aware of our capacity for myopia.

unChristian: Christians do not respect leaders whose political view-point is different from their own.
Christlike: Respect and listen to our leaders and pray for them.

unChristian: Christians are hypocrites when it comes to politics.
Christlike: In trying to solve problems in society, be vigilant about our own capacity for hypocrisy."


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