Saturday, September 27, 2008

A new ideology is needed in the American Church

Bill Hull speaks to this in The Disciple Making Pastor, "The disciple making pastor is a biblical ideologue. The word ideology was first used during the French Revolution. It means 'revolution for structural change.; Disciple making at the heart of the local church is revolutionary ideology calling for fundamental change within the church. While he makes no plans to storm the Bastille, the pastor does call into question the structures and priorities of the modern church.

The ideology is simple, obvious, and treacherous. The Orwell statement used earlier tells us why, We have now sunk to a depth at which the restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men.' The church has stumbled so far from the prescribed purpose and methods that people consider restating prescribed purpose and methods that people consider the obvious revolutionary ideology. Like Christ calling the religious establishment to live their faith , the disciple making pastor asks the church to return to her first calling."

We need a revolutionary ideology to bring us back to the center of God's heart and purpose. What say you? Let's not get too defensive here.


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