Not only...
Not only can you make disciples who make disciples without
Better Programs
Bigger budgets
You can make disciples who make disciples who lead to God birthed Holy Spirit led disciple multiplying movements WITHOUT the office of Pastor. That's right. We have already proven that.
When the Church - The Body of Christ is fully functioning in all of the gifts including Ephesians 4, we have the Apostle, Prophet, Teacher, Evangelist and Pastor all functioning cooperatively and as needed so all the needs of the Body of Christ are met.
In pure Holy Spirit led Disciple making movements the office of the pastor is not needed because the Holy Spirit gifts that roll as well as all the others. When the Body of Christ discovers this it is powerful and full of God praise.
In our Disciple Driven Church we are well cared for by the Pastor gifted ones.
So we have no Pastor control because that's not what a pastor gifted one does.
Ultimately, we have no "pastoral control" because the only Shepherd (pastor means shepherd) that gets to control anything is the Great Shepherd. We are all in submission to Him and His Holy Spirit.
Also, pastors (the gifting, not the office) have a very specific annointing. we are annointed to bring others to maturity. to come alongside others and help raise them up. when pastors begin to control, everything goes insane. (crazy micromanaging).
I would typically say that having EVERY type of leadership is important, because each sees a perspective that the others dont. they balance each other. BUT ABOVE ALL, having the leadership that GOD raises up is more important. If God decides that a particular gathering of believers needs an evangelist more than a teacher, so be it. He knows what His church needs more than we do. having the nurturing hand of a pastor is great, but if God says you dont need one at the moment, that the leadership should rest with, say, the apostles or prophets, forcing pastoral leadership will DESTROY the flock.
Great and I mean great!
what? does nobody want to talk?
...oh,... im beginning to feel sad
oh... come on guys... the apostles and prophets have had their fun... what about dear old pastor/mercy me?
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