Thursday, June 15, 2006

Of Course!

Of Course I believe God is working in the established Church here in America. If I didn't believe it I wouldn't spend another minute of my time trying to help her - which I do in Healthy Church Initiative. We can take a Church who has lost her way and help her refocus on the priorities of Jesus and they will bear fruit. God is at work wherever He chooses to work and His fruit comes in many many different venues, wineskins and places.

The matter at hand has nothing to do with God at work. We know God is at work. The problem in America has a really simple answer. Who is the Church and what is her task at hand. Some would argue that not every Church is a church. It may look like a Church but does it really portray the life giving presence of Christ at work? Are those present transformed,and are they in love with Jesus, are they doing what Jesus taught them to do by way of reaching the world. If all we are supposed to do is find Christ, tell me why - Jesus is leaving all of us here. Let's just get saved and get out of here.

We all know better than that. The Church exists to be the change agent, the hands and feet and voice and heart of Jesus to lead others to Him. God chooses to use people to reach people with His transforming power.

I'd like to think of the Church separate from a building. I hate it when people say, let's go to Church. How can the people who are the Church go to Church? If we are the Church as I believe we are, then everywhere we go the Church goes with us. I'm the Church when I pay for my gas, or when I mow my lawn, or when I have my friends or neighbors over for dessert, or when walk through my neighborhood saying hi to my neighbors.

Of course I applaud God's work in traditional settings and non traditional settings and setting not yet given a name. Wherever lives are transformed - I 'm all for the work and celebrate the work of Christ through them.

What burns me are those satisfied with sitting around, waiting for Jesus to return, sitting in their pews, gumming themselves to death and calling it Church. That burns me! We were never created and then saved to forget the lost people around us. If the Church is only about us -it cannot be about Jesus and His mission.

If you are associating with a group of people who call themselves the Church and it's all about them and no one is being transformed, then tell me -why are you still with them? Are you going to waste your time and resources and the joy of seeing lives transformed? Please don't tell me you like sitting around waiting for Jesus to return -while sittin in a pew gumming yourself to death.

Of course there is reason to celebrate. Jesus is Alive and He is working wherever He chooses to work. Oh, and don't forget He always chooses to work where His priorities are taken seriously.

The truth is, Christianity is in trouble here in America because far too many are more consumed with themselves and their own needs over being consumed with Jesus and His Mission.


At June 15, 2006 3:50 PM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

Oh I forgot to add, not everyone who cries Lord, Lord will enter heaven. There is a wide path that leads to destruction and a narrow path that leads to heaven.

Some who profess to be the Church do not act like her and do not carry her mission. Perhaps we will find them on the wide path.

As for me and my house..I looking for the narrow path.

At June 15, 2006 7:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You continue to inspire me, challenge me, push me. And that is NOT a complaint. I know you are praying for us as we are praying for you. God is moving. Here -- and there.


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