Tuesday, September 26, 2006

This happened tonight!

Sitting across the table with a salad before me I looked into the eyes of two godly men. Both pastors in Washington State, both men seeking after God's heart.

I shared a few moments on what the Church would look like if we all made disciples who make disciples etc. Interesting question huh? That is a really good question!

Two men, two responses, both the same presented in different ways. "After I found Christ that is what I did and I did it over and over and over again. I never had a discipleship class, I just followed the leading of the Holy Spirit and I know people today who were saved way back then." PAUSE - "Then we started doing what we thought we were supposed to do and now we serve the Church and at times the Church has nearly killed us." We serve the Church -we serve the church - we serve the...

But captured in the hearts of these men is that old time vision to go back more relationship -more time in community with the unreached, more of what captured my heart in the first place. We will serve the church by also building the Church as disciples make disciples who obey all the commands of Jesus (especially the greatest one of all).

It is so simple and yet hard for so many to grasp. Serve the Church who will not and lead others who will. It's not that hard to understand or is it?


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