Monday, October 30, 2006

If you defend the American Church...

If you defend the American Church in her present state -stop reading or keep reading. First, set your Bible aside (you are not reading her with an open heart anyway) and take the time to read the powerful and challenging and indescribably effective resource for mobilizing for our Savior's Mission. In a rut and don't know it?

Now that the Bible is on the shelf for a brief time period you are ready to read something through the eyes of Michael Frost and Alan Hirsh, two people who have courageously investigated the almost 100% collapse of Christianity in Europe. The direct collision course that claimed Christianity in Europe will likely claim Christianity in America (sooner than later) unless we wake up from our slumber, comfortable and safe church fortresses.

You will not want to read this -especially if you are defensive. Admit it if you are. This resource takes what I am seeing and feeling only part-way (more later). So when you read, "The Shaping of Things to Come" by M. Frost and A Hirsch you will be stirred and convicted by the Holy Spirit while also seeing something you have never seen before.

I know we have taught our children to never take a dare -"BUT I DARE YOU!"

Defensive? Buy the book! Read the book! What you are about to read may change your life and open eyes your eyes - eyes that are blinded by the comforts of the church.

Don't read this book, especially if you like the way the church meets your needs. I do not want to mess up your comfortable and safe religion. Or do I?


At October 31, 2006 3:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't have it myself yet, but:

At October 31, 2006 3:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

apparently I do not know how to do a link in a blog...just go to and search for it.



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