Saturday, November 04, 2006

I'm really sad for Ted H. and his family...

I find myself feeling really sad for Ted Haggard and his family. To be guilty of this sin or to be innocent and accused of this sin will reap similiar results in the church. His ministry is over in all likelihood. He and his family are devastated.

I'm sad because in the Christian community we categorize sin and act like some outward sins are worse than those private sins we all have and struggle with. Are their categories for sin, some small and acceptable and others so large we condemn? Isn't all sin a sin and all sins on the same level? Can all people be forgiven and all people be able to be restored like the rest of us?

I really don't want to say anthing in judgement- even if Ted Haggard is guilty of these things -because we all are guilty of things.

We must not throw Ted and his family away. We must not throw him into the unpardonable sin barrell. We must not act like the world acts. We must not act like the church acts. We need to treat Ted H and all others who sin privately and publicly the way Jesus does. If the world wants to bring condemnation let them. But let's not let the world see the church community throwing stones and hurling words Jesus would never hurl. God's heart breaks when we all sin when we sin. And we do!

This is a moment in time when we in the Christian community can show the world who Jesus is. We have no right to condemn or judge or criticize or include Ted H in a sermon or Sunday school class as a bad example. Who do we think we are? Exempt from sin? Without sin? Not in need of forgiveness?

Imagine a church - standing with Ted H. - and before cameras in a news conference. We look directly into his eyes with compassion and love. "Ted we all have fallen into sin -we have all been in need of Jesus. We embrace you and your family and forgive you and refused to throw stones and hurl accusations at you. Because we are Christ followers we are silent before you and your accusers. Because we are Christ followers we live to do what Jesus does -we will never stop loving you and we will never look down on you or treat you differently. Because we all have sin in our lives -we have nothing to say and no one in the world is qualified (not even us) none are so pure that they have anything to say. We stand behind you -our brother and we will love you and help you to rise above this in retoration and healing from Jesus and all of us. We do this because this is what Jesus would do.

I don't know how Ted H. can keep living - He and his family have more pain than most of us will experience in a lifetime. He would have less pain if he cut his own head off.

Picture Jesus standing before Ted H. What do you see happening and what do you see Jesus doing as he looks Ted H. in the eye (guilty or not)? Will you join with me in trying to do what we know Jesus is doing?

Let's show the world who Jesus really is!


At November 05, 2006 12:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you that the way we judge and categorize is both hypocritical and unbiblical...

Unfortunately, this particular circumstance is another result of a church being all too eager to place a pastor (and a human being) on a pedestal where only God should be. I do not blame this particular church; it is merely a successful representative of a leadership model found in nearly every church. Where could Ted have gone for accountability, for prayer, for spiritual care of his own? Those in ministry do not live in a vacuum. Yet we place these unrealistic expectations of perfection, and more often than not, when humanity is exposed, it is far beyond the origin of that sin. And then we're all left dumbfounded.

The expectation of super-human pastoral behavior is a burden that no man or woman should have to bear...let alone bear alone. Let us pray and walk beside our church leaders. Care for their needs and listen to their struggles. The enemy all too often resides in silence.

At November 05, 2006 11:40 PM, Blogger spamthewunderdog said...

I relate to what Ted is going through in a personal way that at this moment brings back horrible memories.

Well where do I start, my struggle with porn started, or I should say coincided with my journey of Faith. At 12 years old I started to read the Bible on my own (my dad was an athiest) and really started to investigate God, Jesus, Church and stuff. At the same time I wanted to know more about sex, so my dad (who owned a video store at the time) sat me down and made me watch a porno with him. After we were done watching it he said, and I can remember the words vividly "enjoy watching this stuff boy, because you will never ever be a real man and will never make a woman scream with pleasure like that, because you are just like your dad and have a small penis"...pretty harsh right?

So I started this long journey with porn in secret, not because of lust, but because (along with this incident) I had been conditioned to believe that I was not a real man. Essentially over the course of my teen years and adult life, I lived this life of darkness when I was by myself. Being alone with my own thoughts has always been a struggle for me. I had constant thoughts and voices inside me that said I was worthless etc...and in those times I would go seeking the things that would make me feel "manly". I would buy magazines, make phone sex calls, chat online, go to strip clubs, go to peep shows, go to adult bookstores etc...

I struggled with it for 22 years (I am 36 now). All during that time though, God was working on me as I journeyed in my faith. I was baptised at 15, joined the Church at 16, went to Bible College at 19, and have been involved in youth ministry in one form or the other since I was about 18. All during this time I struggled on and off with porn, only abstaining for short periods of time (less than 6 months) by pure will power at best. I would frequently fall off the wagon for a day or so, and maybe even go for a few weeks without porn out of nothing but guilt. I never had any accountability, or otherwise meaningful relationships to pastor me through these times.

In 2002 I got engaged to be married, and for the first time in my life I confessed this sin to future wife. Then I started to work at our Church as the Junior High pastor. This time was much like it was before, only with longer periods of abstinence (8 months being the lognest). In 2004 I was tasked to take over the entire youth ministry of our Church...and long story short...I crumbled. The Church was going in a drastic new direction, the budget was being cut, and I was expected to live under a higher set of professional expecations...I felt, once again, like a loser. Like I was not a real man, and had no authority to exert what I felt God was leading me to do...and...I...crumbled. For a period of about a month straight, I stayed late at the Church every night and used the computer at Church to view porn. Someone found out and confronted me, and eventually I was asked to resign...

Now, even though I immediately felt this huge burden lifted from me. I wanted to get caught. Now people knew my darkness, and some were ok with me. But most abandoned me and branded me with a scarlet letter. I was persona non gratta. My pastor and elders all used flowery words, that any person would have translated as "hey, we will be there for you"...but they were not.

I went into counseling, and started accountability relationships. And I used the time to enter into a recovery group through to work through my relationship with God.

Essentially I am no longer in an abstinance only phase...I am on a path now where those destructive thought patterns have been shattered and more positive ones have been put in their place. Yes, lust and depression still temp me, but because I have worked through my self-image issues, lust doesn't have anything to grasp hold of any longer. I drag those temptations in to the light and allow God to show them for what they really are.

Also, I have practiced some radical amputation of things in my life that allowed me to choose sin.
I never stay in a hotel room alone.
I never go out of town alone.
I do not have immediate access to our bank account.

I have installed both a filter and an accountability software program on my computer that my recovery group has access to.I do not watch TV in the house alone.

These steps are not a success in and of themselves...But they did allow me the spiritual and mental space to allow God to exist in the spaces that I used to fill with other idols.

Allowing that space to be God's was a big step for me, because before when I was innundated by all the thoughts and voices, it wasn't because I was crazy, but rather because I had not practiced the presence of God in my daily life. The desires for porn did not cease unitl I had properly grown my desire for God.

Initially the tool I used in my private life to create this space for God inside the space I had created by radically amputating things from my life was an online study called "The Way Of Purity", through After I Completed that study by myself, I joined (formed) a porn addicts group and led a study through the printed version of the study. After about 9 months of freedom I decided to be formally trained as a mentor for SCF and that is where I am at today, studying to be mentor.

Now, I have taken the scarlet letter off my chest. God has granted me freedom and is seeking to restore me to ministry. All I have to do now is be attentive to God, and find the Church that he wants to restore that part of my life in.

But, let me go back a little. Why is it, that in my worst state...when I was broken, suicidal, and just plain out of sorts...why did I have to be the "bigger" person and go seeking "true" christians who would do what every Christian is called to do. To love me and be a safe place for healing to me.

At November 06, 2006 5:53 AM, Blogger Dr. Terry M. Goodwin said...

Spam - I applaud your courage to share with us in this forum. To me it shows the strength God has given you. I would gladly have you on my team.

To answer your question “Why is it, that in my worst state...when I was broken, suicidal, and just plain out of sorts...why did I have to be the "bigger" person and go seeking "true" christians who would do what every Christian is called to do. To love me and be a safe place for healing to me.”

The decline of the church has produced a superficial shell of what the church is supposed to be. Outward appearance is valued and character is assumed. If you talk the talk it is assumed you walk the walk. When you don’t – the visibility of your sin may damage the church’s ability to draw in people so you are discarded for the sake of the “greater good” of the ministry. This happens in spite of the fact that by doing this the church becomes less of what it is supposed to be. I can only imagine that in your church when this occurred there were many men who may have found the strength to confess their sin and seek restoration if you had been embraced in recovery. When we discard the broken we empower the strongholds of Satan.

Gal 6:1 Brethren, even if anyone is caught in any trespass, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness; {each one} looking to yourself, so that you too will not be tempted.

I long for the church that looks at sin as something to be rescued from.

At November 06, 2006 6:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was really discouraged after reading about Ted Haggard. It weighed heavy on my mind and heart throughout yesterday. Reading these post today has been very encouraging.This should be a wake up call to us all.

At November 06, 2006 4:23 PM, Blogger Curt said...

I've seen so many times that in my own life...when I'm at the bottom of the rope...and everything has, or is, falling apart...that I cry out to God and He always hears the cry!...and the cry often inaugurates history! Spam...thanks for sharing your story...that is very exciting to hear how God is at work in your own heart and mind. May God use even these things in Ted H.'s life to glorify Himself, and may Ted H. experience something special from our merciful and gracious God that does amazing works when people cry out to Him. Who knows?...this could be the start of something special in Ted's life...and that's my prayer for him!

At November 07, 2006 9:15 PM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

Guys I am filled with hope for the Church of Jesus Christ in America with guys like you.

Spam- you have taught us the meaning of sharing with total transparency without fear of more pain. What you have shared ought to be commonplace in the church of Jesus Christ.

We are all broken, filled with spiritual failures, and covered with ugliness in a constant battle with the enemy. You made your struggle public and maybe the rest of the church will follow your lead, I can only hope and pray!

Praise God for you Spam! I would echo what Terry said, you are the kind of guy we are looking for to build a disciple-making Holy Spirit led movement. Welcome and keep up the great example to make us more vulnerable and real in the christ family.

At November 10, 2006 11:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ted's ministry is not over, it is just moving in a new perhaps less judgemental, more loving and accepting direction....instead of sticking a finger in the face of the sinner, maybe he will wrap his arms around them, tell the that he understands the pain they are experiencing and then walk with them to repentance and health...How can one lead the way to wholeness unless they have had to walk that path themselves? Ted has now begun to walk the path of a "sinner" (a path I know too well). Ted's ministry is not over , it is just getting ready to move out of the church, Bob, isn't that what you are calling for anyway?

At November 11, 2006 12:30 AM, Blogger spamthewunderdog said...


Thanks for all the kind words. I want to make 3 things clear here about this:

1. I never assumed that I was not in sin. I knew that I was struggling with porn and the various implications that go with it. But the Church's remedy has always been stop the behavior, and no one could ever approach the more fundemental question, which is: exactly what is broken that manifests itself in this behavior. By God's grace, I now have wrestled with those issues.

2. I always wanted to be open about the issue. I never really wanted to be hidden. But because I knew that I would be dealt with in the way that I eventually was dealt with. I hid. I wanted to be able to have the same level of pastoral care that I was expected to give other people. But for some reason, pastors are not allowed to be cared for.

3. Whatever the complexity of Ted's problems are. The kind of ministry he is going to recieve from the likes of James Dobson, will not help him to restore his life and or ministry in any meaningful way. I am not trying to down Dobson here. But the reality is, they still view homosexuality and all other addictions as a simple "choice" and don't deal with the complexities that lead to those choices. For example, and I will explain this further if you guys want me to, my dealing with porn was never a "lust" issue. It was never an issue of my hormones being strong, and me "choosing" to act on that lust. I went to porn because I was taught that I was not a real man. And when I would feel that "truth" take me over in life, I would go to porn. It took a lot of work for me to get away from me trying to force myself not to "choose" porn, not to choose to act on the lusts, but instead recognize that I needed to stop the inadequate feelings first. Ted has "something" inside him that led him to that "place", and it is the "something" that needs to be dealt with more than the "place" he was led to.

Thanks for the prayers and kind words. If any of you is struggling with this kind of stuff, please feel free to contact me at


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