Monday, October 30, 2006

I couldn't believe it...

Yesterday I attended a worship service at "The Gathering" a Missionary Church in the Northwest. It was one of the highlights of my life. Let me share...

I arrived early since the hotel forgot to reset their wake-up call system in light of the time change. It took me close to 4 hours to travel from Portland, Oregon (to) Kingston, Washington. Anyway, I arrived early which is something that never happens and when it does I get bragging rights.

I arrived in time for prayer. We then, moved into a teaching time. The kids were in their classes and the adults were in theirs. Rosie taught the class I attended which was a study on the Religions of the World (not exact title) , by Fritz Ridenour and mostly the Word of God. I was amazed during the review at how much the class could articulate the previous lessons on the world religions already studied. Rosie is an exceptional teacher (in my mind, a good teacher is defined by his/her ability to ask the right questions). Let me put it this way, If I lived in Kingston, Wa -I would be in her class.

In worship I watched as people/families of all ages gathered to worship Jesus! All the children were present as well, except for the nursery age. I was blessed as children raised their hands in worship-praise to God and especially as one child gave a praise which seemed commonplace instead of surprising.

My wife Michelle, calls me a critical person when I attend worship services other than my own and all you pastors know what I am talking about. I observed things I have often wanted to try but didn't have the nerve. As we progressed in worship - I observed God showing up as the congregation came into full unity and as God began to speak to us at various and differing ways. I mean everyone was "into" this and everyone (it seemed) was being touched by God. It was a WOW experience.

NOW BRACE YOURSELF! There was no sermon and there never is (unless God has directly given one). The service started with a Scripture reading (by Kirk), then singing (no praise band or musicians) followed by more Scripture followed by more worship singing (Hymns and Praise music), a congregational Scriptural response and a brief Scriptural focus by Rosie which went fast and then the bulk of worship was the congregation sharing praises and Scriptures and things God had showed them or taught them. It was as if I was transported back in time to the early Church in worship. I couldn't believe it when the service was over and "The Gathering" went well past an hour in worship, praise, Word and prayer. All I can say is -God showed up!

My own small contribution came as God led me to pray for a young mother with three daughters whose husband is deployed to Iraq and was recently briefly at home and is now back with six months to go. The family grieves his absence and prays for his acceptance of Christ in His life. Would you pray for them (God knows who they are)?

This worship happens every week, week after week after week. Imagine God showing up in and through the people as they participate by becoming an orchestra of worship to God?
Can I ask you to pray for Kirk and Rosie Farnsworth (especially Rosie in her leadership role) as lead "The Gathering?"

This group of believer's don't go to church on Sunday's, they go to "The Gathering" of the Body of Christ - a place where all present are allowed to participate in the worship, as God leads. It really works - I was there and am a witness to God leading the service through the expereinces and voices of the entire congregation. And, all that was shared was God orchestrated and miraculously tied together in a way that left no one untouched/un-moved. It was as if a quilt was being woven by the hand of God - one stitch at a time.

After that "The Gathering" who had "gathered" were released to "serve".


At October 31, 2006 7:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to "gather" like that.

At October 31, 2006 8:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bob: Sounds like a blessed time in the Lord! It is amazing the things God is doing in our little Northwest part of America.

At November 01, 2006 8:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes, i agree...that sounds great. is this their every-sunday format, or is it a "sometimes" format?

At November 04, 2006 6:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great feed. What a vision!

At November 28, 2006 9:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, this is a unique sunday morning experience. It looks and feels different, because it is. To maintain this difference the Gathering struggles with many of the same heavy issues that weigh on other congregations. Like pastor worship, prayer time that can be reduced to preaching at the group (in prayer), and when the spirit moves someone to share, a rude interruption can occur, we call it getting “cut off”. The Gathering has a leader yes but, from the beginning of the group the leadership was to be shared with the husband. Instead, an ideology is supported over gifts and the “original church”
In spite of those issues and others, we collectively enjoy some very good Sunday school teaching. Maybe one of the greatest return of effort is from the subject of tithing. The faithfulness of tithing has been blessed as promised by our LORD. Not in the form of monetary riches (I know this first hand) but better than that, in the warm satisfying knowledge of conforming to HIS will. The wonderful letters that all to often, are addressed to “the leader” instead of the well source, report blessings of overwhelming gratitude that God heard the prayer requests of help and The Gathering was the instrument of his provision. This sort of interaction is more valuable than great riches. The other biggy, our support of the Missionary denomination in the manner that was agreed upon when we were excepted into the fold. I understand some congregations miss the many blessings of tithing.
I have NEVER contributed to a blog of any sort, why do some choose to hide behind a pen name?

At November 28, 2006 3:43 PM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

Great comments/questions.

The Gathering is one of the neatest places for me. Instead of going to church they are the Church and the Church goes to the "Gathering".

This Gathering practices to gifts as described by Paul. He gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers so that the body can be equipped and built up until there would be unity in our knowlege and faith and maturity in Jesus. Ephesians 4.

We have a family not driven by control but released to experience the leading of the Holy Spirit and the joy that comes when people obey Him.

At November 28, 2006 8:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

...very predictable response...
God’s truth will march on with or without our courage. Wonderfully enough, because HE made it so, grace will too.
When scripture is quoted in retreat, it misses the intended target. He called it a double edged sword for a very good reason. Take it or leave... I am done here.

At November 29, 2006 12:56 AM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

Anonymous - I don't get your comments... What's up?

What do you really mean by "when scripture is quoted in retreat" and the comments that followed?

I'll keep looking for your return!


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