Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Assumptions that hinder the Mission of God

Assumptions that hinder the Mission of God, by Reggie McNeal, "This Present Future." Reggie deals with these assumptions in this book, my favorite book of 2006.

1. If you build the perfect church (location) they will come.
2. Growing your church will automatically make a difference in your community.
3. Developing better church members will result in greater evangelism.
4. The church needs more workers (for church work).
5. Church involvement results in discipleship.
6. Better planning will get you where you want to go (in terms of missional effectiveness).

Let me (the planter) add a few more.

1. If you want more people plan more programs.
2. If you are not growing - get a new pastor.
3. Cantatas and other dramatic presentations will increase long term membership.
4. If you take better care of your members your church will grow.
5. If you could get healthy - your church will grow. (What is church health?)
6. If Pastors could attend the right seminar (mine/his) church will grow.
7. If you just live the five purposes (Warren) of the church you will grow.
8. If you could just model your ministry after Willow Creek, you will grow.
9. If you could just get more casual and less threatening your church will grow.
(that's enough - I need to write shorter posts.)

What will make your church grow? Do you have thoughts?


At December 27, 2006 12:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you serious?

At December 27, 2006 2:15 PM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

feba, Why do you ask? I couldn't be any more serious. When I see what you mean specifically by asking the question I can zero in on further clarification.

There is a biblical way to build an authentic growing Christ community without false assumptions. And even more without western influence.

Please write back and let me know from what country you live.

At December 27, 2006 10:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would be curious to know (since this is the first blog I've read you may have explained elsewhere)how do you define growth in the church? What does it look like?

Nick Mullis T

At December 27, 2006 11:28 PM, Blogger spamthewunderdog said...

I think that the Church grows when it's adherents get on the same mission as God. That's a pretty general statement, but look at it this way. If God is doing one thing, and you are doing a totally other thing...who is right? Well it's God of course. And when we get on our own thing, (bodies, buts, bricks...and beheadings if you were in the crusades) then we get off of God's thing, and that means that we are not "growing" the Church according to his mandate.

So what is that thing?

Well Bob, I think you would say it is the Great Commission...and you know that I would say the same thing, but that the ground that the Great Commission grows on is worship as the very way of life.

Either way you say it: If you worship God through living the GC, then you have some assurance (at least in part) that you are on God's page.

At December 28, 2006 1:38 PM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

I do not consider large numbers of people sitting in a pew on Sunday, nor do I consider large impressive building(s), nor do I view large offerings or budgets a success.

The church growth movement has hurt the mission of God in the American church. In that era church leaders began to apply strategies and programs for growth which became about what man can do and not about what God can do.

The measure of success for me now is, How many Christ-followers are making it their number one priority to live in the world in such a way as to see Jesus and because people see Jesus in us they want us to lead them to our Jesus.

If we are making "going to church" and "serving in the church" the main thing we have missed what it means to obey the Great Commission as mandated for all Christ followers as well as walking in the footsteps of Jesus.

Nick, for the 24 years in pastorates I measured success by mans measure and not by the measure of Jesus as demonstrated in His life and as commanded in His Word.

Jesus is not impressed with our buildings and large budgets, and more butts in pews. He is not impressed. On the other hand He can not be happy with the fact that we have made buildings, budgets and butts the main thing over being in the world so others may know Him.

Richard Greene says, "If you took away your Sunday service(s) and your building(s) what would you have left?"

At December 28, 2006 1:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, Bob,

I thought that you have given a recipe for church growth. I have missed word hinder.
I agree with you that there is a biblical way to build the community, but it is very hard.
I live in Croatia, Europe.

At December 28, 2006 2:54 PM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

Feba, It may be easier than you think. If people can see disciples not as legalistic inside a box judgemental unaccepting people and instead the world (even yours) could see the Jesus who loves them, serves them, cares for them, is kind to them, has answers for them, meets them where they, does not have any motivation other than showing them who Jesus is all as we live our lives in the world - this would change croatia as God works through you.

I call this becoming an authentic Christ following disciple multiplier who lives incarnationally in the world so that world will be drawn to Him through you. It really works - Jesus promised!

feba you are a welcome addition here. Nick you are also. God is up to something so great and the world has an inner hunger He wants to fill up.

At December 29, 2006 6:29 PM, Blogger spamthewunderdog said...

Hey Bob,

How bout this: I don't see large numbers of people sitting in the pews, or large buildings, or big bugets as a sign that succes ISN't happening...

I also don't see small numbers of people sitting around a table, in a 2 bedroom house, and no offering as a sign that success IS happening.

Point is, I agree with you that it is the strategies, approaches, and yes sometimes the programs, that are the problem...but it doesn't follow necissarily that a large Church, with a large building, and a large budget can't be a place where the spirit of God is moving and people are FOLLOWING Jesus.

At December 30, 2006 12:36 AM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

Spam I can accept that. Until we do the mission or be the mission it doesn't matter if we are large or small. Good insight. However if a large church gets it wrong more get it wrong. And why would they see it - success is present, budgets, building, butts do blind us and motivate us to leave the mission at least some of the time.

I love your insight!

At December 31, 2006 8:15 PM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

For all, It is really useless to defend something that is not working to move us out.

I also know that the larger the church gets the more people expect and the more they want and the more we have to work to give it to them.



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