Tuesday, December 26, 2006

A you a can-ner? (my newest made up word)

A young leader in the church pointed out the fact "that if God is in something you won't have to try so hard to convince people". Hummm! It didn't take me long to agree with him and challenge him in the same breath. I told that leader, "You are right and you are wrong".

1. You are right when speaking of those outside of the American church paradigm (many disconnecting or disconnected or never connected). It is more common than not that they get the new paradigm quickly and they often admit they could be a part of that. I have found that those outside of the church (present) institution readily believe that God can do so much more than we in the church do. (So the leader is right).

2. On the other hand, it has taken me a great deal of time, energy and pain trying to help leaders see that God is bigger than what we know church to be in America. Usually more often than not they refuse to engage me without becoming threatened or open enough to consider the possibilities of a new missional paradigm. I now believe that a majority of good member/believers will never give in to the biblical paradigm of living incarnationally (missionally)in the world. (So the young leader is wrong).

Throughout history there have been times (many examples) when God was involved in doing something new and when the religious refused to be convinced or even open to that possibility God just led the missional movement without them.

Are you a can't or a can-ner?


At December 26, 2006 3:36 PM, Blogger Missional Jerry said...

Right on yet again Bob.

Your on a roll

At December 27, 2006 12:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooo...are you a jelly donut or a dinner roll?


Me? I'm a "God can do anything type of guy," so that makes me a can-ner.

At December 27, 2006 1:38 PM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

Hey can-doer (Mike) can I ask you to do something for your church that will change your church and you personally forever?

You do know where I heading don't you?
Now I'm smiling!

At December 27, 2006 3:36 PM, Blogger Soma Burbank said...

Great post, and agreed. I am experimenting with just how much easier it is to disciple a brand new believer than to undisciple a longtime believer, only to re-disciple them from Scripture, not what their church considers marks of sanctification (no dancing, movies, etc..)

It turns out that when someone comes to Christ with no other expectation other than what they see in Scripture, they actually think they can live with that kind of power and humility, authority and submission. Crazy new believers. May they be the ones to usher in the upside down kingdom in 2007 and until Christ returns!

At December 28, 2006 11:07 AM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

Miguel, I cannot agree with you more. It is a shame that those who claim to know Jesus best cannot see how Jesus really is.

To be a disciple of Christ you must walk in His footsteps.

Let's build it with those who walk in the footsteps of Jesus. Those who refuse will die a slow death on the vine.

I need to meet you.


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