Sunday, January 07, 2007

Choose your style, method, wineskin or whatever..

In the American church we have all these ( to many to name) labels, methods, styles, definitions, ways of doing things, stuff and more stuff with more and many more different definitions of the same things. What is a leader who cares about the church in America (even world) to do?

Well, I'm so glad you asked! Didn't you ask?

Guess what? I don't care what you call the what-cha-ma-call-it! Do your (really His) thing anyway you feel God is leading you to do it, But...!

But, now that I have your attention, who cares and why argue over defining and defending? Let's simplify it. Are you ready?

Here it is: Are YOU and AM I multiplying disciples who multiply disciples? Isn't this really what Jesus meant for all of us? Or is there really something more important in the church?

Who said, "Let's Just Do It". Be careful not to answer to quickly.


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