Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Neil Cole through Dave DeVries...

The Planter: I'm copying Dave DeVries, his link is to your right under blogs I read. This is a real and comprehensive challenge. But I must say, the problem is even more critical than Neil writes.

Taking the liberty from Dave DeVries someone worth reading writes: Neil Cole - The Absence of Movements in America

Neil Cole, author of Organic Church and founder of Church Multiplication Associates, shared his perspective with me yesterday on the absence of movements in America. He observes that the church often gets in the way. The problem stems from consumer Christians who are willing to sit and soak and let the pastor serve them, instead of getting involved themselves. He asserts, “People in the pews are irresponsible, and pastors let them stay that way.” Codependent pastors allow dysfunctional churches to exist. This prevents missional movements from ever starting.

Neil also recognizes that movements are more likely to happen overseas because of liminality. In many countries around the world there is a great struggle for Christians (including persecution) that purifies what it means to be a Christian. In the midst of that struggle, authentic followers of Jesus emerge that more naturally embody the mission and message of Jesus. They multiply disciples because that is the essence of following Jesus. The climate of prosperity in America and the lack of struggle or persecution has created an impure church where disciplemaking is often ignored or deferred to paid professionals.

Here’s the reality: Missional multiplication movements are not happening in North America. One of the biggest contributing factors is that too many Christians neglect the mission of Jesus and don’t really care that people around them are going to hell. Until Christians embody the mission and message of Jesus, there will not be any movements toward Christ in America.

The Planter: Thanks to Neil and Dave in the interview for nailing it. Give us your thoughts and visit the blog of Dave DeVries, a Missionary to America!


At May 02, 2007 2:10 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks Bob for sharing this post.

I pray with you that "the Lord of the harvest will send forth workers (movement leaders) into this disciple making/church multiplication movement."

The absence of missional movements in America is a serious concern. I've also discussed this with Alan Hirsch, Bob Logan, Steve Ogne, Jeff Getz, Scott Thomas and Paul Kaak. I'll post their observations, too.

Here's a list of significant factors that hinder disciplemaking/missional movements in the U.S.

• Lack of concern for the kingdom of God.
• Failure to understand the gospel.
• Pride
• Misappropriation of resources
• Man-centered plans
• Neglect of spiritual dynamics
• Ministry credentials
• Building/Facility-based models
• Lack of focus
• Lack of passion
• Laziness
• Dysfunctional churches
• Prosperity
• Neglect of Jesus’ mission
• Evangelistic apathy

At May 02, 2007 10:47 AM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

Thanks Dave!

If I may, Richard Greene would also be a great resource person to speak with. I'd love to hear his response to your interview questions.

Thanks also for the list of hindrances you posted!

At May 04, 2007 8:22 PM, Blogger Joel Potter said...

How exciting it is to see so many with a heart to make disciples and to further the cause of Jesus and not the cause of themselves. I think one huge problem today is that we have so many new ideas, but we continue to try and pour them into the old wine skins. I have seen so many in movements of God that ruin it by refusing to be a part of a revolution, but rather staying a part of the world's expectation. We know that the cross will be offensive, but so many have been brainwashed to think that they have to be sweet and pretty about the gospel. The gospel is not sweet and pretty, but true and redeeming!!!! God is so amazing and is working continually, but many leaders in movements today attempt to make their worship band or excellent preaching the rock instead of Christ. Then I see many people who call themselves disciplers that teach their disciples to build on the sand and when the storm comes they just help them rebuild on the sand and the process continues on and the world continues to win!!! So, let's teach our disciples to build on the rock and then teach them to disciple others in the same way!!! Well I'm stepping off my box now. God bless you all that are willing to let God move in you and are willing to look weird for Christ!!!!

At May 05, 2007 12:18 PM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

Good stuff and shared with courage that inspires.


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