Friday, June 08, 2007

In blogland...

In blogland I was told I needed to learn to control my passion! God gave me passion to push the Church in the area of the person and work of the Holy Spirit. He and He along must lead the church and He will always lead us back to Jesus. I became passionate -I mean over the top passionate about why the Holy Spirit must lead transformation movements and if He doesn't lead them we are just treading water or getting our feet wet.

Is there ever a time that our passion needs to be tamed? I do believe that my temperament which is a high "D" choleric monster T needs to be covered and controlled by the Holy Spirit. Which I don't always do. I fall down at times. But my passion! I believe passions need to be released and certainly not tamed.

So is it passion or a persons temperament that needs to be tamed? When I shoot from the hip it is not Passions fault it is my unchecked temperament that is the problem which is my responsibility to keep it in check! My U.K. friends mixed up the two when they shot those fiery darts. I didn't realize the real issue of there darts until just moments ago.

Sometimes I get nearly killed in blogland, and, I can honestly say it is fun to me. What isn't fun is when I have to review my inner self to see if I'm wrong. And sometimes I am wrong by not putting my driven "lion in a China shop" temperament under the total control of the Spirit for His taming.

I thank the Holy Spirit for this insight/reminder in my life. I love it when I get hit, I hate it when they are right in some manner, I love it when God's Spirit convicts, I love it when I hear His promptings and search my heart and look for His finger on the problem. That in itself is freedom to walk in the Spirit.


At June 08, 2007 4:07 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Passion is great when it is informed by knowledge, tempered by wisdom, and carries the fragrance of love-wrapped truth.

I'm working on all three. Sometimes I spout off at the wrong times, in the wrong ways, and with loveless condemnation about things I know nothing about while pretending I do.

At June 09, 2007 7:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, now that you mention do come off as other than passionate SOMETIMES. Tempering the passion a tad might not be a bad thing...or rather, I mean, tempering the EXPRESSION of the passion.

On the other hand, misunderstandings in the Blogland are part and parcel of the genre. Maybe you should blog visually?

You know, hang it, I like ya the way ya are.

At June 14, 2007 6:35 AM, Blogger Dr. Terry M. Goodwin said...

Bob – it is your passion that God has used to start a movement. It is through your passion that dozens are finding the freedom to serve God in their passions. If someone has been offended by your passion for God maybe it is the offended that should be examining his or her heart.

What part of your message was offensive? Was it really your passion that offended or was it conviction?

If God offends you when communicated passionately maybe you should examine the message and not the messenger. I think people all too often want to kill the messenger and they strike out at passionate people because it sounds so “biblical” to speak of calming and being more humble.

You are gifted as a prophet and it takes a lot of passion to work in your gifting. Don’t let them bridle you. Your temperament may need to be controlled but not your passion for God. Many wanted to calm the passions of the apostles. Imagine if they had been successful. It is time we stop operating according to the offended. The gospel itself is offensive to those who are perishing.

My suggestion for those who are offended by your passion – look at the message – maybe God is using the passion to get your attention. It wouldn’t be the first time He operated that way.


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