Thursday, July 05, 2007


My friend defines Attractionalism— "The belief that creating an appealing church service and programs will attract unbelievers to come to church."

The Planter says, attractionalism is attraction because we have something that attracts. It's the what and not the WHO that bugs me. In the above definition/reality, I grieve because we are attracting people to church, a place and not to Jesus a person, our Savior and King. He alone is enough to attract people. Why not use Him instead of all the other stuff that rusts and deteriorates. Jesus is enough! Let's attract people to Jesus by using Jesus to attract! A novel thought!

WARNING: Be careful my friends, What we attract them with - we attract them to.


At March 01, 2008 2:52 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Bob - you are right on! The danger of attractionalism is that it attracts to Church instead of attracting to Jesus!!!

I've posted some more thoughts on Attractionalism:
The Danger of Attractionalism
Further Dangers of Attractionalism


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