Friday, January 04, 2008

Serving the Disciple Driven Church(TM) Project

Hey blog friends, the disciples making disciples venture (what many said could not happen in America) is happening here in St. Louis as well as other launches in other strategic places. Our base Church (my church) "True Vine Missionary Church" led by our first leaders, Pastor Terry and Suzette Goodwin, has been in existence for just over one year. Already they have released trained disciple multiplying leaders to begin two other Disciple Driven Churches(TM) bursting with disciple making life. When Michelle and I came to St. Louis by faith we longed for God to do something that only God could do. We asked God for exponential disciple making much like what He is doing in other second and third world countries. We could not and still do not fully comprehend what God is doing for America in the fulfillment of His Great Commission.

Having said all of that, I have resigned my U.S. Ministries position with the Missionary Church, home office to coordinate the Disciple Driven Church(TM) Project by serving in a kingly role of raising the resources and financial support for emerging leaders in order to fuel the movement of training and releasing 100+ new leaders to launch Disciple Driven Churches(TM) across America. While still serving as a missionary raising my own support I am delighted to serve under the umbrella of True Vine Missionary Church leadership while serving as coordinator for the Disciple Driven Church(TM) Project.

All of the above is a venture in faith for all involved. Pastor Terry has resigned his full time and lucrative job to take a huge salary reduction to be used of God to see Disciple Driven Church(TM) expanded across America and other team leaders are sacrificing as well. I pray for God to bless the faith and sacrifice of our lead team to see this through at whatever cost.

This is a huge vision coming out of walking in the Spirit and listening to His heart to see the Great Commission of Jesus as evidenced in His life actually being fulfilled in America much like that experienced in 2nd and 3rd world countries with exploding disciple making growth.

Will you pray for God's redemptive plan to be fulfilled through servants willing to give it all up in order for God to be glorified. Pray that we will decrease and that Jesus will rise way above us for His glory? Disciple Driven Church(TM) Project is proving to be led and blessed by God as a way to reach the lost to find Jesus and reach others for Jesus.

The commitment we expect from our new disciples is huge and is a non-negotiable. They are taught to follow Jesus so closely (to use the analogy) as disciples following Jesus on a dusty trail, they must follow Him so closely as to breath His dust by stepping into His very footprints. This is what Jesus meant by "take up your cross and follow me". We teach disciples to believe what Jesus says and do what Jesus tells us to do. In America we have seen a disconnection from believing and then doing what Jesus tells us. Many professing believers profess to believe His words/instruction but far too many times their actions prove otherwise.


At January 04, 2008 3:10 PM, Blogger Joel Smith said...

Hey Bob. Are Disciple Driven Church plans available for other pastors or must one travel to St. Louis for training? Is it possible to re-educate current pastors like myself?

At January 05, 2008 11:13 PM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

I was a pastor and I am decompressed and redirected. If anyone can be, like I can be, you can be.


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