Monday, November 12, 2007

Do you...?

Do you see God's transformation in the lives of those needing to be transformed and set free? If so, tell us about the Glory and presence of Jesus and of His redemption and glorious work.

Bottom line, tell us about the fullness of God's Holy Spirit that makes our human logic something so small it never comes even the slightest experience of Jesus.

Do you long for transformation in your heart and the hearts of others?

Tell us, if you can or will!!


At November 12, 2007 1:33 AM, Blogger Jessica Sanford said...

I daily see a transformation in the hearts of those around me, but the transformation most obvious to me (probably because it is closest) is the transformation that the Holy Spirit has performed within my own life. A year ago, I wrote over and over in my journals "This will never change," and yet, here I am, mentally and spiritually restored for and by the glory of God.

It is incredible, but at the same time, I see so many others who need the same transformation that I have received. Some are experiencing it, but the Holy Spirit's work is far from done.

At November 26, 2007 5:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tranformation is a process that comes forth in the life of a new believer, that undergoes season of renewal, character, growth, maturity, and learning to walk with God. It is a process that Jesus as the author and finisher of our faith, authors.

Transformation requires entering into covenant with God, laying one's life down to receive from God, and trusting in the leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit.

Transformation requires allowing God to transform us through times of intimate worship, through communion within times of prayer, and by allowing the Word of God to be sown into our hearts and minds.

Transformation comes forth by allowing the Holy Spirit to introduce us to Christ, and teach us the ways of intimate fellowship with the Lord.

Transformation is love being perfected and producing the fruits of the Spirit in the life of a believer, which requires living a life in Christ, and allowing the Holy Spirit to teach us how to walk in the spirit.

Tranformation is the Kingdom of Heaven coming to earth and invading the life of a believer.

Transformation comes forth by submitting to the Potter, that He might mold us into His perfection, and likeness, that we might be Christ like, a vessel submitted to God, seeking to live a life in Christ, seeking to do all things to the Glory of God, and allowing the love of Christ to flow through us and into others.

As I look back over my life since comng to know Christ. I see how God has taken me through many seasons, through many changes, and I have learned that love is the greatest of all gifts, a love that transforms lives, and that has no end, that many waters cannot quench. A love that conquers all things, and that covers a multitude of sins, that restores, refreshes, and revives.

God's love tansforms us.



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