Thursday, December 13, 2007


Often when God begins to move, our normal "human" tendency is to stop or slow it down. We are afraid name it.

Let's move away from what we think is normal. Let's instead let God do whatever God wants to do. Let's try real hard to move out of our fear of what others may think.

During this year I have learned that honoring God is more important than job security. We must let go and let God do whatever He wants. While mankind seeks to restrain so people will not be threatened, God moves with those He has already prepared to become movement makers. So what if we lose our jobs, rather to lose our job than to lose the blessing of God upon us. Amen??

This reminds me that people will be threatened by what God is doing by way of making disciples who make disciples. And, there will be those who refuse to see and believe. While some doubt the work of God, others who are prepared by God for this work will take the charge to move forward under the anointing and leadership of the Holy Spirit.

We must refuse to be slowed or stopped by the fear of what man says or will do, and instead, we must let go of the anything that retrains or holds back the work of God. He is doing a new thing in America and who am I or who are you to hold Him back?

We must let go and let God for the sake of the kingdom. We must be reminded that there will always be those who seek to stop or slow God down. Why should we care about what others think when we know God has a prepared work with workers to accomplish His kingdom plan?

"God please find me 'not guilty' of such a thing."

How about you?


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