Monday, March 31, 2008

Easter Sunday Praise

Would anyone like to log on an Easter Sunday praise here?

Michelle and I spent Easter with her family in Merrillville, Indiana. Our son and daughter in law brought little Silas, our first grandchild, now 5 months young to the party later that evening. It was fun, fun, fun.

On Easter morning we went to the family church with Michelle's parents, her brother's family and her grandma Alma (almost 95). We honored Grandma Alma as the matriarch of our faith. Grandma Alma is an amazing lady and one with great vision. She is a huge supporter of the work Michelle and I do to build disciple driven churches where all Christ followers must make disciples who make disciples. When I talk about new believers quickly multiplying other disciples she rejoices with us. She is never threatened by what we do even though it is very different, she understands that God is big enough to do whatever He wants and however He wants outside of any box He wants. Jesus Christ is alive and we celebrate His birth and resurrection.

Thanks to God for Grandma Alma and her way ahead of her years faith in God.


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