Saturday, August 02, 2008


Over 12 years ago Michelle and I went to Haiti to make school desks for our Haitian schools. Amazing! We built around 120 desks. Our team leader Ken Thompson was the real hero. Well, Carol did save us by bringing real food to keep us alive.

During that visit we saw Haitian Christians with nothing but also with everything. I learned on that trip that if Jesus is all you have, Jesus is all you need. For the Haitian, Jesus was truly all they had and was also truly all they needed. I saw vibrant Christ followers filled with hope and praise for God and all He had done and was doing in their lives. Having come from America the land of plenty where the plenty often replaced our need for Jesus it was refreshing to see the reliance on Jesus and the fulfillment He brings.

Jesus was all they had...Jesus was all they needed. What a blessed thought. Jesus is all we really have...Jesus is all we really need. Nothing matters but Jesus!


At August 03, 2008 9:08 AM, Blogger martilou said...

Thanks Bob, I really need to hear this today.

At August 03, 2008 12:39 PM, Blogger Bob Carder said...

God bless you martilou and may His increasing favor rest upon you with His hand of blessing as you walk in His footsteps.


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